


2017/06/08 03:53:20 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:831 移动端

Four-year Undergraduate Institutions (Baccalaureate)

IELTS Band Score
Abilene Christian University Abilene, TX 5.5
Albright College Reading, PA 6.0
Alfred State College (SUNY College of Technology) Alfred, NY sp
Alverno College Milwaukee, WI 5.5
Alliant International University San Diego, CA 6.0 (ug); 7.0 (g)
American University Washington, DC 6.5
American InterContinental University, Dunwoody Atlanta, GA 6.0
American InterContinental University, Ft. Lauderdale Ft. Lauderdale, FL 6.0
American InterContinental University, Houston Houston, TX 6.0
American InterContinental University, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 6.0
Arcadia University Glenside, PA 6.0
Ardmore Higher Education Program East Central University Murray State College Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma City Southeastern Oklahoma State University Ardmore, OK See individual school listings
Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 6.0
Arkansas State University State University, AR 5.0
Arkansas Tech Unviersity Russellville, AR 5.0
Art Institute of Boston at Lesley University Boston, MA 5.5
Ashland University Ashland, OH 6.0
Augustana College Sioux Falls, SD 5.0
Bard College Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 7.0
Bastyr University Kenmore, WA 6.5
Beloit College Beloit, WI 6.5
Benedictine College Atchison, KS 6.0
Bentley College Waltham, MA 7.0
Berea College Berea, KY 5.0
Berklee College of Music Boston, MA varies
Bethany Lutheran College Mankato, MN 5.0
Binghamton University, State University of New York Binghamton, NY 6.5
Boise State University Boise, ID 5.0
Boston Conservatory (The) Boston, MA 5.0
Boston University Boston, MA 7.0
Brandeis University Waltham, MA 7.0
Brigham Young University, Hawaii Laie, HI 4.5 (r); 7.0 (ur)
Brooks Institute of Photography Santa Barbara, CA 6.0
Brown University Providence, RI 7.0
Bryant University Smithfield, RI 6.5
Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr, PA 7.0
Butler University Indianapolis, IN 6.0
California Baptist University Riverside, CA 6.0
California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA varies
California Lutheran University Thousand Oaks, CA 6.5
California State University, Chico Chico, CA 5.0 (r); 6.0 (ur)
California State University, Fullerton Fullerton, CA 6.5
California State University, East Bay Hayward, CA 6.0
California State University, Long Beach Long Beach, CA 6.5
California State University, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 6.0
California State University, Northridge Northridge, CA 6.5
California State University, Sacramento Sacramento, CA 6.0
California State University, Stanislaus Turlock, CA 6.0
Campbellsville University Campbellsville, KY 5.0
Cameron University Lawton, OK 5.5
Carleton College Northfield, MN 7.0
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 7.0
Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, OH 6.5
Catholic University of America Washington, DC (sp)
Chatham College Pittsburgh, PA 6.0
City University (25 locations) Bellevue, WA 6.0
Clarion University of Pennsylvania Clarion, PA 6.0
Clarkson University Potsdam, NY 6.5
Cleveland State University Cleveland, OH 6.0
College of William and Mary (The) Williamsburg, VA 7.0
Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO 6.0
Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 5.0 (r); 6.0 (ur)
Columbia Union College Takoma Park, MD sp
Columbia University New York, NY 7.0
Concordia College Moorhead, MN 6.0
Connecticut College New London, CT 7.0
Creighton University Omaha, NE 6.5
Dallas Baptist University Dallas, TX 5.5
DePauw University Greencastle, IN 7.0
DeVry University All campuses 5.0
Doane College Crete, NB 5.0
Downtown College Consortium Oklahoma City Community College
Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City
Redlands Community College
Rose State College
University of Central Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, OK See individual school listings
Drury University Springfield, MO 6.0
Duke University Durham, NC 7.0
Duncan Higher Education Center University of Oklahoma Oklahoma State University Cameron University. Duncan, OK See individual school listings
East Carolina University Greenville, NC 6.0
East Central University Tulsa, OK 6.0
Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 6.0
Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI 6.0
Eastern Oregon University La Grande, OR 6.0
Eastern Washington University Cheney, WA 6.0
Eckerd College St. Petersburg, FL 6.5
Elizabethtown College Elizabethtown, PA 6.0
Elmhurst College Elmhurst, IL 6.5
Elon University Elon, NC 6.0
Emerson College Boston, MA 6.5
Fairleigh Dickinson University Teaneck, NJ 5.5
Florida Metropolitan University Multiple campuses 5.0
Fordham University Bronx, NY 6.5
Fordham University Manhattan, NY 6.5
Franklin and Marshall College Lancaster, PA 7.0
Geneva College Beaver Falls, PA 6.0
George Mason University Fairfax, VA 6.5
George Washington University Washington, DC 6.5
Golden Gate University San Francisco, CA 6.0
Goldey-Beacom College Wilmington, DE 5.0
Goshen College Goshen, IN 6.0
Graceland University Lamoni, IA 5.0
Grand Valley State University Allendale, MI 6.5
Hamilton College Clinton, NY 7.0
Hamline University St. Paul, MN 7.0
Harrington College of Design Chicago, IL 6.0
Haverford College Haverford, PA 7.0
Hawaii Pacific University Honolulu, HI 6.0
Hiram College Hiram, OH 6.5
Hobart and William Smith Colleges Geneva, NY 6.5
Husson College Bangor, ME 5.5
Houston Baptist University Houston, TX 6.0
Idaho State University Pocatello, ID 5.0
Indiana Institute of Technology Fort Wayne, IN 5.0
Indiana University, School of Music Bloomington, IN 6.5
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN 5.5
International Academy of Design and Technology Chicago, IL 6.0
International Academy of Design and Technology Detroit, MI 6.0
International Academy of Design and Technology Fairmont, WV 6.0
International Academy of Design and Technology Las Vegas, NV 6.0
International Academy of Design and Technology Orlando, FL 6.0
International Academy of Design and Technology Tampa, FL 6.0
International Academy of Design and Technology Pittsburgh, PA 6.0
Iowa State University Ames, IA 5.0
Jacksonville University Jacksonville, FL 6.0
Johnson and Wales University Denver, CO 6.5
Johnson and Wales University North Miami, FL 6.5
Johnson and Wales University Providence, RI 6.5
Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 6.5
Knox College Galesburg, IL 6.0
Lafayette College Easton, PA 7.0
Lakeland College Sheboygan, WI 6.0
Lamar University Beaumont, TX 5.0
Langston University Langston, OK 6.0
Langston University Oklahoma City, OK 6.0
Langston University Tulsa, OK 6.0
Lawton East Central University Ada, OK 6.0
Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA 7.0
Lewis University Romeoville, IL 6.5
Lewis and Clark College Portland, OR 6.0
Linfield College McMinnville, OR 6.0
Long Island University, CW Post Brookville, NY 5.5
Los Angeles Harbor College Wilmington, CA 5.0
Lynn University Boca Raton, FL 6.0
Madonna University Livonia, MI 6.0
Maine Maritime Academy Castine, ME 6.5
Manhattan School of Music New York, NY 6.0
Marietta College Marietta, OH 5.5
Marist College Poughkeepsie, NY 6.5
Marquette University Milwaukee, WI 6.5
Marshall University Huntington, WV 6.0
Mary Baldwin College Staunton, VA 6.0
Marylhurst University Marylhurst, OR 6.0
Maryville College Maryville, TN 6.0
Master’s College Santa Clarita, CA 5.5
McCurtain County Higher Education Center Carl Albert State College East Central University Eastern Oklahoma State College Southeastern Oklahoma State University Idabel, OK See individual school listings
McNeese State University Lake Charles, LA 5.0
Mesa State College Grand Junction, CO 6.0
Metropolitan State College of Denver Denver, CO 6.0
Miami University Oxford, OH 6.0
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 7.0
Middlebury College Middlebury, VT 7.0
Milwaukee School of Engineering Milwaukee, WI 5.0 (r); 6.5 (ur)
Minnesota State University Moorhead, MN 5.0
Montana State University Bozeman, MT 6.0
Mountain State University Beckley, WV 6.0
Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA 7.0
Mount Ida College Newton, MA sp
Mount Union College Alliance, OH 4.5 (r); 6.0 (ur)
National University La Jolla, CA 5.5
Nebraska Wesleyan University Lincoln, NE 5.5
New Mexico Highlands University Las Vegas, NM 5.0 (r); 6.5 (ur)
New Mexico State University Las Cruces, NM 5.5
New York University New York, NY 7.0
North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 6.0
Northeastern State University Broken Arrow, OK 6.0
Northeastern State University Muskogee, OK 6.0
Northeastern State University Tahlequah, OK 6.0
Northern Illinois University Dekalb, IL (sp)
Northern Kentucky University Highland Heights, KY 5.0
Northern State University Aberdeen, SD 5.0
Northwestern Oklahoma State University Alva, OK 6.0
Northwestern Oklahoma State University Enid, OK 6.0
Northwestern Oklahoma State University Woodward, OK 6.0
Northwood University Midland, MI 6.0
Notre Dame College South Euclid, OH 6.0
Nova Southeastern University Fort Lauderdale, FL 6.0
Ohio Northern University Ada, OH 6.0; 4.5(r)
Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware, OH 6.0
Oklahoma City University Oklahoma City, OK 6.0
Oklahoma Panhandle State University Goodwell, OK 6.0
Oklahoma State Board of Regents All campuses statewide See individual school listings
Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 6.0
Oklahoma State University, Tulsa Tulsa, OK 6.0
Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 5.5; 6.5
Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 7.0
Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 6.5
Pepperdine University Malibu, CA 6.5
Pittsburg State University Pittsburg, KS 6.5
Plymouth State University Plymouth, NH 5.5
Point Loma Nazarene University San Diego, CA 6.0
Portland State University Portland, OR 6.5
Post University Waterbury, CT 5.5
Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 6.5
Quinnipiac University Hamden, CT 6.5
Rormed Bible College Grand Rapids, MI 6.5
Rhode Island School of Design Providence, RI 6.5
Rider University Lawrenceville, NJ 6.0
Roanoke College Salem, VA 6.0
Rogers State University Claremore, OK 6.0
Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY 6.5
Rocky Mountain College Billings, MT 5.5
Roosevelt University Chicago, IL Contact School
Saginaw Valley State University University Center, MI 5.0
Saint Louis University St. Louis, MO 6.0
Saint Mary’s College of California Moraga, CA 6.0
Salem International University Salem, WV 6.0
Salisbury University Salisbury, MD 6.5
Salve Regina University Newport, RI 6.5
San Diego State University San Diego, CA 6.0
San Francisco State University San Francisco, CA 5.5
Savannah College of Art and Design Savannah, GA 5.0
Schiller International University Dunedin, FL 5.0
School of the Art Institute of Chicago Chicago, IL 6.5
School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Boston, MA 7.0
School of Visual Arts New York, NY 6.5
Seattle University Seattle, WA 6.0
Slippery Rock University Slippery Rock, PA 6.5
Southeast Missouri State University Cape Girardeau, MO 5.0
Southeastern Oklahoma State University Durant, OK 6.0
Southern Arkansas University Magnolia, AR 5.0
Southern Methodist University Dallas, TX 6.0
Southern New Hampshire University Manchester, NH 6.0
Southern Utah University Cedar City, UT 5.0
Southwestern Oklahoma State University Sayre, OK 6.0
Southwestern Oklahoma State University Weatherford, OK 6.0
St. Cloud State University St. Cloud, MN 5.5
St. Gregory’s University Shawnee, OK
St. Joseph’s College, School of Adult and Professional Education Brooklyn, NY 6.0
St. Norbert College De Pere, WI 5.5
St. Olaf College Northfield, MN 6.0
State University of New York (SUNY) at Oneonta Oneonta, NY 5.5
State University of New York (SUNY) at Oswego Oswego, NY 5.5 (r); 6.0 (ur)
State University of New York (SUNY) at Plattsburgh Plattsburgh, NY 4.5 (English Bridge Program); 6.0 (ur)
State University of New York at Potsdam Potsdam, NY 6.0
State University of New York (SUNY) at Purchase Purchase, NY 6.0
Stratford University Falls Church, VA 6.0
Suffolk University Boston, MA 6.0
Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA 6.5
Temple University Philadelphia, PA 5.5
Tennessee Technology University Cookeville, TN 5.5
Texas A&M University College Station, TX 7.0
Texas Christian University Fort Worth, TX 6.5
Texas State University, San Marcos San Marcos 5.5 (r); 6.5 (ur)
Thiel College Greenville, PA 5.5
Towson University Towson, MD 5.5
Trinity University San Antonio, TX 6.5
Troy University Troy, AL 5.5
Truman State University Kirksville, MO 6.0
University at Albany, State University of New York Albany, NY 6.0-6.5
University at Buffalo, State University of New York Buffalo, NY 6.5
University of Akron Akron, OH 6.0
University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 6.5
University of Bridgeport Bridgeport, CT 6.5
University of California Office of the President University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Merced University of California, Riverside University of California, San Diego University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Santa Cruz Berkeley, CA Davis, CA Irvine, CA Los Angeles, CA Merced, CA Riverside, CA La Jolla, CA Santa Barbara, CA Santa Cruz, CA 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
University of Central Oklahoma Edmond, OK 6.0
University of Chicago Chicago, IL 7.0
University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 6.5
University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center Denver, CO 6.0
University of Dayton Dayton, OH 6.0
University of Denver Denver, CO 6.0 (ur); 5.5 (r)
University of Findlay Findlay, OH 5.0
University of Georgia Athens, GA 7.0
University of Hartford West Hartford, CT 5.5 (r); 6.5 (ur)
University of Hawaii, Hilo Hilo, HI 5.0
University of Idaho Moscow, ID 6.0
University of Illinois at Springfield Springfield, IL 7.0
University of Indianapolis Indianapolis, IN 5.5
University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 6.5
University of Maryland College Park, MD 7.5
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 6.5
University of Michigan Dearborn, MI 6.5
University of Michigan Flint, MI 6.5
University of Minnesota Rochester, MN sp
University of Missouri – Columbia Columbia, MO 5.5
University of Missouri - St. Louis St. Louis, MO 5.5
University of Montana Missoula, MT 5.0
University of Nebraska, Lincoln Lincoln, NE 6.0
University of Nebraska at Omaha Omaha, NE 5.5
University of New Haven West Haven, CT 5.5
University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 6.5
University of New Orleans New Orleans, LA 6.5
University of North Alabama Florence, AL 5.5
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Chapel Hills, NC 7.0
University of North Carolina, Charlotte Charlotte, NC 6.0
University of North Dakota Grand Forks, ND 6.0
University of North Florida Jacksonville, FL 6.5
University of North Texas Denton, TX 6.5
University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA 6.0 (r); 6.5 (ur)
University of Northern Virginia Manassas, VA 5.5
University of Oklahoma (The) Norman, OK 6.5
University of Oregon Eugene, OR 6.0
University of Phoenix All campuses 6.5
University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 6.5
University of Pittsburg at Bradford Bradford, PA 6.5
University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown Johnstown, PA 6.5
University of Rochester Rochester, NY 6.5
University of San Francisco San Francisco, CA 6.0
University of Science Arts of Oklahoma Chickasha, OK 6.0
University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 5.0
University of South Florida Tampa, FL 6.5
University of St. Thomas St. Paul, MN 6.0
University of Tampa Tampa, FL 6.5
University of Texas, Austin Austin, TX 6.5
University of Texas, Dallas Dallas, TX 6.0
University of Texas, San Antonio San Antonio, TX 4.5(r); 7.0(ur)
University of the Arts (The) Philadelphia, PA 6.0
University of Tulsa Tulsa, OK 5.0
University of Vermont Burlington, VT (sp)
University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 7.0
University of Washington Seattle, WA 6.0
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, WI 5.5
University of Wisconsin River Falls, WI 5.5
University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, WI 6.5
University of Wisconsin Superior, WI 6.0
University of Wyoming Laramie, WY 5.5; Engineering majors min. 6.0
University Learning Center of Northern Oklahoma Cameron University Northeastern State University Northern Oklahoma College
Northwestern Oklahoma State University Rogers State University
University of Oklahoma
Ponca City, OK See individual school listings
Ursinus College Collegeville, PA 5.0
Utah State University Logan, UT 5.0
Utica College of Syracuse University Utica, NY 6.0
Valparaiso University Valparaiso, IN 6.0
Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA 6.0
Virginia International University Fairfax, VA 6.0
Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg, VA Contact school
Wartburg College Waverly, IA 6.0
Washington State University Pullman, WA 5.5
Wayne State University Detroit, MI 6.5
Webster University St Louis, MO 5.0(r); 6.0(ur)
Wentworth Institute of Technology Boston, MA 6.5
Wesleyan University Middletown, CT 7.0
West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 6.0
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 6.5
Western Oregon University Monmouth, OR 5.5
Wichita State University Wichita, KS 6.5
Widener University Chester, PA 5.0
Wilson College Chambersburg, PA 5.0
Wittenberg University Springfield, OH 6.5
Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, MA 6.5
Wright State University Dayton, OH 5.0


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