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  Sample Graduate School Admissions Essay 1

  (Master's in Education)

  Sometimes it takes a tragedy to remind you of what is really important in life. A year and a half ago my cousin and good friend died suddenly. I was so sad thinking about all the experiences in life that she will miss by being taken at such a young age, and what a loss this was for the entire community to never know what good she could have accomplished, if given time. Eventually I began thinking about what I was doing with the life I was still blessed to have, which led me to realize that I was unsatisfied in my corporate job, and 20 years from now, if I did nothing to change the course of my life, I would likely still be unsatisfied. It was at this point that I realized it was time to make a major career change and go back to the one thing I have always loved doing: working with children. I believe that as a teacher I will be able to have a positive impact on my community, and even the world, for many reasons, but most importantly because I am I motivated to help students find confidence in themselves and their abilities, which will lead them forward to live successful lives, thereby improving whatever communities they end up living in as well.

  During college I loved my job at a pre-school, working with children ranging in age from toddlers through elementary level, and I found such joy being with them and sharing in their discoveries and adventures. It is based on this positive experience, and the examples I have had in my own life of exemplary teachers, that leads me to believe that I have the makings of a great teacher too, I just need the training and educational background to bolster up my good intentions. I have a solid undergraduate educational foundation and I am ready now to devote my full time and attention to developing my teaching skills so that I will be a credit to the profession once I am up in front of a class of my own.

  I also feel that I will be able to identify with my future students from a wide array of cultural backgrounds because I am the daughter of immigrants and am bilingual in English and Spanish. It was not easy for my father to move to America at 17, not knowing a word of English, but with the help of others he learned quickly and has lived something of the American dream. I want to show my future students that this is possible for everyone, from every background. 20 years from now, if I am lucky enough to still be around and still be teaching, I know that I will be able to look around me see that I have made a positive impact on this earth by sparking the minds of children to see what wonderful possibilities there are out there if you are willing to learn.






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