


刚刚更新 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:288 移动端
Application Timeline—Undergraduate 本科申请时间表
1月1日: 本科申请截止日,SAT/ACT成绩可以迟交
Application Timeline—Graduate 研究生申请时间表
Deadline applies to all applicants applying to one of these departments for the receipt of application and all supporting material. Earlier applications are encouraged. In addition, applicants who submit their electronic application by December 1 will take advantage of the lowest application fee.
Biology at Princeton 生物
Comparative Literature 比较文学
East Asian Studies 东亚研究
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology 生态及生物进化
Finance 金融
Molecular Biology 分子生物学
Neuroscience 神经系统科学
Quantitative & Computational Biology计算生物学
Woodrow Wilson School
12月15日截止: 90美金申请费
Deadline applies to all applicants applying to one of these departments for the receipt of application and all supporting material. Earlier applications are encouraged. In addition, applicants who submit their electronic application by December 1 will take advantage of the lowest application fee.
Chemistry 化学
Computer Science 计算机科学
Mathematics 数学
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering 航空和航天工程
Physics 物理
Politics 政治
Princeton Plasma Physics 等离子物理
Psychology 心理学
Sociology 社会学
12月31日截止: 90美金申请费
Deadline applies to all applicants applying to one of these departments for the receipt of application and all supporting material. Earlier applications are encouraged. In addition, applicants who submit their electronic application by December 1 will take advantage of the lowest application fee.
Anthropology 人类学
Applied & Computational Mathematics 应用及计算数学
Architecture 建筑学
Art & Archaeology 考古学
Astrophysical Sciences 天文物理科学
Atromspheric & Oceanic Sciences 大气及海洋科学
Chemical Engineering 化学工程
Civil & Envrionmental Engineering 土木与环境工程
Economics 经济学
Electrical Engineering 电气工程
English 英语
French & Italian
Geosciences 地球科学
German 德语
History 历史
History of Science 历史科学
Music 音乐
Near Eastern Studies 中东研究
Operations Research & Financial Engineering 金融工程
Philosophy 哲学
Population Studies 人口研究
Religion 宗教
Slavic Languages & Literatures斯拉夫语言文学
Spanish & Portuguese Languages & Cultures 西班牙语及葡萄牙语言文学
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