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美国电子工程专业申请要求是什么。电子工程专业(electrical engineering)就是我们平时俗称的“double e”或“ee”,我国绝大多数大学都设有这个专业,在众多的美国研究生理工科专业中,电子工程可以说是最热门和竞争最激烈的专业之一。美国的电子专业与国内的电子专业有所差异,包括的专业范畴要更广,实际上是电力,自动化及电子等专业的合并。下面是申请美国研究生EE专业简历模板。
Yongxin Taylor Xi .
E.E. Dept., Princeton University, NJ 08544 Email: yxi@princeton.edu
2006-Present Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
Adviser: Prof. Peter J. Ramadge
Course work Machine Learning Theory, Random Processes, Linear Systems Theory, Theory of
Detection and Estimation, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Differential
Geometry, Optimization of Communication Systems, Digital Neurocomputing,
Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience. Major GPA: 3.87 / 4.00
Research interests • Manifold learning and fective feature extraction of high dimensional data
• Joint learning: fusing label data with manifold learning for intelligent embeddings
• Exploring unsupervised, supervised and semi-supervised classification methods
• Designing learning algorithms that generalize well for high dimensional data
• Applications of manifold learning and classification to:
· Computer vision problems such as face recognition
· Biological data analysis such as fMRI (classifying cognitive states) and DNA
expressions (classifying cancer categories)
2002-2006 Elctrical and Computer Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering
GPA: 3.85 / 4.00 Major GPA: 3.93 / 4.00 Rank: 1 / 203
Second Major Certificate, Computer Science, Rank: 1 / 31
Oct 2007-Present Graduate Research Assistant Adviser: Peter Ramadge
Using LARS for learning fective projections in face recognition, Pixl Lab, Princeton University
• Studied various feature extraction methods in appearance-based face recognition.
• Investigated feature selection via sparse regression algorithms (e.g., Least Angle Regression).
• Proposed and tested new learning algorithms incorporating LARS. LARS automatically selects a
sparse set of the most relevant features from a pool of candidate features.
• The results of this method applied on several face databases are promising. Ongoing research aims
to merge manifold learning and “sparsifying” classifier into a single objective.
Feb 2007-Sep 2007 Graduate Research Assistant Adviser: Peter Ramadge, Mung Chiang
Learning from fMRI data via Support Vector Decomposition Machine (SVDM), Pixl Lab &
Psychology Department, Princeton University
• Investigated the concurrent dimensionality reduction and learning of the data using SVDM, which
minimizes the reconstruction error and training error at the same time.
• Derived methods for solutions of the non-convex optimization problem.
Feb 2007-May 2007 Graduate Course Research Adviser: Sun-Yuan Kung
A comparison study of model based and model free Linear Cancer Classifiers, Electrical
Engineering Department, Princeton University
• Compared and analyzed the performance of model based (i.e., LDA, etc.) classifiers and model free
classifiers (i.e. SVM, weighted voting).
• Investigated the limitation of SNR alone as feature selection criterion.
Jun 2005-May 2006 Undergraduate Research Assistant Adviser: Liming Zhang
3D Face Recognition Project Group, Image and Intelligence Lab, Fudan University
• Senior Project: Novel method of 3D mesh construction and its application in 3D face recognition.
• Participated in the design of the 3D face recognition system.
• Implemented a sequence of robustness tests for the System.
2006 Princeton First Year Engineering Fellowship
2005 Microchip China University Scholarship (50 in China)
2005 Hitachi High-Tech Scholarship (5 in Fudan Univ.)
2005 Samsung First Prize Scholarship (2 in EE Dept., Fudan Univ.)
2004 Shanghai Model Student (198 in Shanghai)
2004 Fudan University Top Grade Scholarship (19 in Fudan Univ.)
2004 Engineering School Top 10 Student Award (10 in Engineering School, Fudan Univ.)
2003 Samsung First Prize Scholarship (3 in EE Dept., Fudan Univ.)
Y. Xi, Discriminative Face Recognition via Regression, Technical Report, Princeton University, Feb 2008
Y. Xi, P. Ramadge, Using LARS for learning fective projections in face recognition, Poster Presentation,
Workshop of Computer Research Association (CRA-W), Seattle WA, Mar 2008
Y. Xi, Alternative Ways to Solve Optimization Problem in Support Vector Decomposition Machine, Project
report, Princeton University, May 2007
Y. Xi, The Ventral Visual Object Pathway in humans: Evidence from fMRI, Research Group Presentation,
Mar 2007
Y. Xi, H. Guo, B. Xiang, 3D mesh construction and its application in 3D face recognition, Undergraduate
Thesis, Fudan University, May 2006
Language Fluent English, Native Mandarin, Shanghainese Dialect
Programming Matlab 7, C++, C, VB, Assembly, CCS (DSP), AutoCAD, SQL Server
Documentation LaTex, MS Office, HTML
Fall 2007 ELE 488: Image Processing (Instructor: Bede Liu), Princeton University
Jan 2008-Present GEA (Graduate Engineering Ambassadors), Princeton Univ.
• Liaising with prospective, admitted, and new Princeton Engineering students
Mar 2008-Present Special Events Chair, GCHC (Graduate College House Committee), Princeton Univ.
• Arranging for special events for graduate students
Sep 2007-Present VP, ACSS (Association of Chinese Students and Scholars), Princeton Univ.
• Organizing social, intellectual and cultural activities regularly among Chinese students and scholars
Dec 2006-Present VP, CIEPU (Chinese Institute of Engineers), Princeton Univ.
• Coordinating student seminars to enhance the knowledge of different engineering subjects
Nov 2007-Oct 2007 Social Chair, GCHC (Graduate College House Committee), Princeton Univ.
• Organizing weekly social hour for graduate students and maintaining the movie DVD collections
2003-2006 Student President, Academic Affairs Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Fudan Univ.
Traveling, Pet raising, Tennis, Ice skating, Ballroom dance, Chinese calligraphy.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲