


2017/06/06 00:24:27 编辑: 浏览次数:375 移动端



You have chosen to enhance your feelings of self-respect.你选择了要提升你的自尊心。This is the time to let go of all doubts about your abilities, to forgive you-rself for any past hurts you may feel you have caused, to let go any inner feelings of inadequacy and to release anxieties about yourself.你或许怀疑过自己的能力,现在你要将所有这些想法彻底抛弃。你过去犯了不少错,使你感到懊丧,现在你要原谅这些。这样,就能把你内心中自惭形秽的感觉抛到九霄云外。
Close your eyes and see yourself in a beautiful and colourful garden.闭上眼睛,你看到自己身处在一个美丽的、五颜六色的大花园之中。Walk through this peacul and serene landscape and feel the calming energies of love and healing coming into you now.你徜徉在这片平和与宁静的景色之中,感觉到爱正在进入你的身体。这种力量充满着安慰,它能治愈你的全部痛楚。Sit on a bench in this garden and focus on your heart centre.你在花园中的一个凳子上坐下来,将注意力集中于你心脏的中央。Allow yourself to grow very small and see yourself standing bore a door.你的身躯变得很小,你站立在一扇门前。 Push the door open and enter a wonderful chamber filled with pink light.你推开门,走进了一个美妙的房间,里面充满了粉红色的光芒。This is the chamber of your heart and the light comes from the love you give to others.这就是你的心房,而那光芒就是你给他人的爱。Let this love light now fill you.让这个爱的光芒充满你。Surrender to it and let it clear away all your doubts; let the love rel-ease all regrets.你顺其自然,让它驱除你心中的所有疑惑,让爱驱除所有的遗憾。See the light getting strong and brighter as you receive and accept your own love.当你得到这个爱、接受你自己的爱时,这个光芒变得愈发亮丽了。
Now is the time to take the energies of love you give to others and use themto heal yourself.你总是将爱心给予别人。现在你可以用这个爱来医治你自己。


You have chosen the energies of self-projection.你选择了自我规划的能力。Now is the time to tell the world of your ideas, to share your inspiration.向全世界说出你的想法,让他人分享你的激情。现在是时候了。You can create ripples that will help so many by sharing your experi-ences.如此多的人分享了你的经验,获得了你的帮助。“风乍起,吹绉一池春水。”这全靠了你创造出的波纹。This is the time to write a book, create a workshop, send out a helpful email, to tell a friend what you think will help them in their need, to pass on your personal wisdom and ideas.此时,你可以写一本书,创立一个工作室,发出一份帮助人的电子邮件,将你的想法告诉一位朋友来解决他的问题,从而将你的智慧和想法传递出去。
Visualise yourself beside a peacul, calm lake.想象一下,你呆在一个湖边,四周平静祥和,万籁俱寂。Take a stone and hold it in your hand.你拿起一块石头,把它握在手中。Visualise all the experien-ces of your life - some difficult and trau-matic, some inspiring and joyful.你生活中所有的经历现在又一次地变得历历在目。其中有些事是艰难的、痛楚的,而另外一些则令人振奋和喜悦。Place all you have learnt from these experiences into the st-one.你将从生活中获得的所有经验都注入了这块石头。Now throw the stone into the lake and see the ripples that it forms.你将石头扔进湖中,激起了层层的波纹。See the ripples spreading over the entire lake surface.这波纹扩展到了整个湖面。Know that your personal wisdom can help many.要知道,你的个人智慧能够帮助很多人。Feel the energies of self-expression flow through you, helping you to speak out and offer your experience in the ways right for you.你感觉到,自我表达的力量流经了你的全身。它帮助你,让你以适合于你的方式说出、给出你的经验。
Value and share what you have le-arnt from your life's experiences for you can affect and help many people with your wisdom and knowledge.让别人来评价和分享你的经验,这是你从生活中获得的。你的智慧和知识将使许多人获益良多。


You have chosen to work with the energies of creativity.你选择了将创造力带进你的生活。Now is the time to allow your creativity to flow.现在到了让你的创造力显现的时候了。Maybe you have been fee-ling blocked, maybe you are planning to paint or write, plant out a garden or deve-lop a new project.你可能感到与世隔绝。或许你打算从事绘画或者写作,或是开垦出一片花园,或是开创一个新的项目。The time is now perfect to start.现在就开始,现在正是时候。Your imagination can flo-urish and your creative energies can flow to their greatest potential.你的想象力开始活跃,你泉思如涌,你的创造力发挥到了极致。

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