


2017/06/06 00:24:13 编辑: 浏览次数:306 移动端


Visualise yourself being the recipient of a stream of money, and see an inco-ming flow of the symbols of success in whatever enterprise you are engaged.你似乎看到,你的事业真可谓生意兴隆,成功的符号-财富正朝你滚滚而来。See your work flourishing and the fects of your e-ndeavours helping you and others to feel contented and happy.你的生意大获成功,你还用金钱来帮助自己,帮助他人。于是,你感到很满足、很幸福。Feel the energies of prosperity and abundance flowing th-rough you now.你感到富足和富裕的力量正在流经你的全身。
Acknowledge money as a source of fulfilment and allow prosperity to com-e to you as a positive and empowering force in your life.必须承认,金钱是一种成功的源泉,它能使富庶走近你,它是你生活中的积极因素,能赋予你力量。


You have chosen to bring enthusia-sm into your life, to have clear and pos-itive attitu des to counter any apathy or sluggishness that may be holding you back from enjoying your life to its fullest.你选择了将热情带进你的生活,于是你拥有了清晰、积极的态度,来对抗任何冷漠与惰性。这些消极心理会妨碍你百分百地享受生活。Let enthusiasm lift the dark c-louds or a heavy heart.让热情为你驱散乌云,让它安慰你沉重的心。
Imagine you are standing by a lak-eside in the darkness of night.你想象着,在苍茫的夜色之中,你独自一人伫立在一个湖边。Visualise the dawn with the sun coming up into the sky bringing pink and golden light that turns the dark waters of the lake lighter and lighter till the sun mo-ves high into the sky and the waters spar-kle and shimmer with the sunlight and re-flect back to you the blue of the sky.拂晓,你看到一轮红日正在冉冉升起,地平线上出现了粉红色、金黄色的朝霞,将黑暗的湖水慢慢地照亮。不久,太阳升起在空中,于是那一碧万顷的湖水变得波光粼粼,映照在蓝天之下。See your own life beco-ming brighter and lighter as you connect with the sun and the light it brings to the world.你要与太阳联系在一起,与它的光芒联系在一起,你的生活就会变得更亮丽、更轻松。Surrender the darkness of your doubts and fears and allow yourself to be filled with this light.让黑暗的忧虑与恐惧离你而去,你才能充满阳光。Feel the energies of positivity flowing through you.你感到了积极的能量,它流经你的全身。
Hold the intention to see the positiv-e in all aspects of your life.在你生活中的所有方面,你要努力寻找积极的东西。A-llow enthusiasm to be your driving force and let it shine through the negativity of those around you.让热情成为你的驱动力,让它将你四周的黑暗照亮。


You have chosen to bring balance into your life.你选择了将平衡带进你的生活。Maybe you are working too hard w-ithout sufficient time for play.或许是,你工作过于努力了,玩的时间太少。 Ma-ybe you are not allowing enough time for what makes your heart sing, for the joys of life.可能是,你没有为自己安排足够的时间,来让你的心灵歌唱,来享受生活。Are you giving endlessly to others a-nd not allowing enough time for yourself?你是否对别人过于慷慨,而对自己太苛刻? Are there imbalances showing in your li-fe through fatigue, emotional exhaustion, or lack of laughter?你的生活是否出现了不平衡现象?比如疲劳、心理疲惫或缺乏笑声。Disharmonies - mental, spiritual, emotional and physical are caused by a lack of balance.心理、精神、情感、身体方面出现了不和谐,原因就在于缺乏平衡。Give yourself the space to come back into harmony.给你自己一些空间,以便能回到平衡的状态。
Sit quietly and hold out your hands.静静地坐下,伸出你的双手。The lt ha-nd is receiving and the right hand is giv-ing.用左手接收,用右手发送。See com-ing into your lt hand now all the things that are lacking in your life; visualise all the things that you would like to do if you were to allow yourself time:进入你的左手的就是你生活中缺乏的东西。想象一下,如果你有时间,你想做些什么事情。pa-mpering, holidays, walks in the country, more time with family, your favourite m-usic and so on.大吃一顿、度假、在乡间漫步,或是将更多的时间用于家庭,还有你喜欢的音乐什么的。Hold the intention of coming into total balance now.现在就下定决心,实现彻底的平衡。
Every day take time out for yourself-a quiet moment to bring yourself back into balance; a moment for you.每天都抽出一段时间,为你自己安排。你静静地坐下,重新回到平衡的状态。(未完待续)

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