

2017年Top 10 MBA个性的胜利

2017/06/06 00:21:52 编辑: 浏览次数:45 移动端


“我在大学时代当过班长、在某大型国营企业也混到了科长、GMAT 690 ……”
如果一切正常,弓先生想必已在美国完成学业。凭借他Top 10 MBA的身价,即使在经济萧条的今日美国,也定能在投资银行或管理咨询公司谋得一席之地,继续他的好奇和进取之旅。祝福他功成名就的同时,但愿他衣锦还乡之际,依然记得尚欠施老师一顿海鲜大餐。
Essay: Describe yourself to your MBA classmates.
I would describe myself as an explorer who is keen on exploring the unknown.
I was born to a fisherman's family on a small island in Southeastern China, a fishing village altogether 10 square kilometers large. When I was still a child, I kept wondering what a train should look like. I also wanted to know how the grains I ate grew, whether a bull was really huge and ferocious as it was said to be (I was born in the year of bull in Chinese calendar). I grew a thirst for knowledge of the outside world, all of which father assured me that I would know when I grew up, with the condition that I be admitted by a university somewhere, virtually anywhere beyond the island. Well, to me, it was not ″easy if you try″, for at that time, only 1 or 2 students from my village entered university every year. It was rather a tough mission that I never ceased inserting my effort to.
At the age of 18, my hard work eventually paid off and I was sent by all my folks on a train for Beijing, where I would study in ABC University. I was astonished at what a big a city actually appeared to be and even how big the university campus was. As a matter of fact, the total number of students there exceeds that of all inhabitants on the island. Driven by the urge for experience and communication, I took an active part in community life and excitedly I was elected president of my class and later VP culture in the department student association.
Based on the limited financial capacity of my family, I did not continue my study the way some other students did---attending classes, studying in the labs and libraries and taking tests --- Instead I took a job in a Beijing-based medical research institute. As you might expect, I would not rest with one steady position in the pharmaceutical industry. I would rather explore all the other fields related to it. And that's just what I was doing all those five years. This is about my exploration in education and career.
As for my family life I also have a spirit of exploration. I was born in the extreme south area and naturally I would like to know about the north. This partly explains my decision in selecting a northern girl as my wife. According to the genetic theory I take for granted, I believe our offspring should be smarter than both my wife and I.
When it comes to my scope of knowledge, I do wish that it would be limited within the pharmaceutical area, though it is of utmost importance of course. However, I have tried another field, the field of law and I am very proud of myself for passing the rigorous qualification test for Certified Lawyer in China through self-teaching, as quite a number of law majors have failed the test.
In my leisure time, I travel a lot around China. And perhaps differing myself from other tourists, I am not simply attracted by beautiful scenery or delicious local cuisines. I would rather spend several days there, dipping myself into the customs and cultural essence of a place.
At this stage of my life, I would seek the chance of studying abroad. Besides a systematic theory of management, I also wish to have a real taste of the international cultural diversity. I think this is another example for my spirit of exploration and I wish it would be realized in the near future.
近年来由于名校MBA竞争日趋激烈,以及申请人的英文写作能力不断提高,MBA Essay的质量提高很快。但矫枉已然过正,重文字形式不重思想内容、抄袭所谓范文的现象十分普遍。殊不知,吸引招生委员会教授们眼球的永远是文风朴实、富于思想的申请材料,而非华而不实、缺乏个性的泛泛之谈。申请人在整体设计自己的申请材料时,切记挖掘个性化内容,并注意适当平衡“优秀”和“平实”。

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