


刚刚更新 编辑: 浏览次数:212 移动端



你是否见过绿色的人呢?这里就有一个“greenhand”, hand即手,手是人身体的一部分,这里代指人。“greenhand”可不真的是指绿色的人,而是“新手”的意思。绿色给人以新鲜的感觉,难怪英语中说“新手”是“greenhand”呢。
Andy刚进公司的时候,一点不知道这一天的工作是怎么开始,又是怎么结束的。毕竟是新手嘛,还不适应。不过幸好Andy是一个好学好问的人,遇到不懂的事情就向别人请教:“Can you tell me how I can do it. I am not familiar with it for I’m a greenhand. ”(你可以告诉我应该怎么做这件事情吗?我是新来的)幸运的是Andy遇到了一个好老板,他说:“Although Andy is a greenhand, he is clever, I hope everyone can help him a lot. ”(Andy是一个新手,但是他很聪明。我希望大家可以多帮助他)
“brown”棕色,实在是没有绿色那么招人喜欢。这里“browned off”就是“厌烦、忍受够了”的意思。
单调的工作很容易让人感到厌烦。“It’s natural that man will be browned off with the boring work.”(人们会对枯燥的工作感到很厌烦.这是很自然的事情)怪不得,有一位公司同事瞅了一眼干劲十足的Andy,说:“You’ll be browned off with the job if you work for a long time.”(如果你在这里工作很长的时间,你肯定会对工作感到厌烦)
(1) He is a greenhand.(他是一个新手)
(2) He is browned off with his job.(他厌烦了他的工作)

Mr. And Mrs. Little are adopting(收养) a younger brother for George, but they met Stuart.
Mrs. Little: Oh, Frederick, look at them. How could we possibly…
Mr. Little: Choose? I know. They are all…
Mrs. Little: Wonderful.
Stuart: You know what’s wonderful? What’s wonderful is how you both know what the other one is gonna say bore you even say it. Not that it’s any of my business.
Mr. Little: Yes, that happens when you ’ve been together as long as we have.
Mrs. Little: From being a family.
Stuart: Family, wow. Well, for a family, you’ve certainly come to the right place. I think we can find just what you are looking for. If you want a girl, Susan can read French and Edith can tap (轻叩,轻拍)dance while blowing bubbles(泡沫). Or maybe you wanted a boy.
Mr. Little: Actually, I think we were leaning towards a boy.
Stuart: Well, in that case, Benny can do handstands(手倒立) and Andy can run 100 yards faster than you can say, “Ready, set, go.(各就位,预备,跑!)”
Mrs. Little: You certainly know a lot about everyone.
Stuart: That’s what happens when you’ve been here as long as I have. Let’s face it. Not everyone wants to adopt someone like me.
Mrs. Little: You shouldn’t worry about choosing. It happens the same way every time. First, you won’t know what to do. You’ll be a bit scared(恐惧的). Then you will meet one of them. You’ll talk to him. Somehow, You just know.

1. Not that it’s any of my business. 那与我无关。
2. You’ve certainly come to the right place. 你们算是来对地方了。
3. Benny can do handstands. 本尼会做手倒立。
4. Ready, set, go. 各就位,预备,跑!
5. It happens the same way every time. 每次都是如此。


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