您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2016英国大学春季开学硕士专业有哪些?
专业: msc in electronics and communication engineering
all engineering masters including engineering management
ma business and management (at both carlisle and city campus)
international business course at carlisle (ma iba)
ma cultural management
ma event & conference management
ma museum & heritage management
ma music management & promotion
english language at northumbria (elan)
ma applied linguistics
msc product engineering
msc optoelectronics and communication systems
msc health and social care
msc business information technology
4. 格拉摩根大学
ma educational studies
msc marketing
msc computer systems security
msc information security and computer crime
msc information security and corporate intelligence
msc entrepreneurial practice
msc procurement
institute of business and law
ma international business administration
ma international marketing management
msc finance & law
ma financial services
ma/llm intellectual property management
ma international business finance
llm international commercial law
llm law & finance
ma/llm media law and finance
ma taxation
school of services management
msc tourism and hospitality management
msc tourism management & planning
msc tourism management & marketing
msc tourism & heritage management
msc tourism management
msc events management
commercial law (taught under the auspices of ggsl) 、european legal studies、international competition law and policy、international law、除此以外,还有和strathclyde university一起开设的:llm in human rights law、 msc in criminal justice。
7. 卡迪夫大学、二月开学 mba 入学要求:有学位或大专生有三年以上工作经验者。
8. 阿伯丁大学
general llm
strategic studies
project management
mba (5年以上的管理工作经历)
msc international business (本科专业必须是商科)
ma marketing (无专业限制)
ma management studies (无专业限制)
msc multimedia technology
msc distributed systems & networks
msc manufacturing management
msc automotive engineering
ma graphic communication
ma hyperfictions
ma interactive broadcast media
ma digital animation
ma model design and model fects
ma 3d modelling and prototyping
ma people and products
ma design studies
ma art practices
10. 伦敦艺术大学, one year , 一月开学
ma graphic design at london college of communication
chelsea college
ma fine art
ma interior and spatial design
ma textile design
11. 谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学、1月开学
msc in international hospitality and tourism manag... / full time / 1 year 一年的全职学(9月或者1月开学) + 6 ~ 12个月的带薪实习, 学费£9,495 (包括带薪实习时期的学费)
msc/pgdip biomedical basis of disease
msc/pgdip pharmacology and biotechnology
built environment
msc/pgdip construction management
msc/pgdip project management
business and management
graduate diploma (pre-masters course) business and english (january only)
msc/pgdip global business
msc/pgdip/ international business and management
mba master of business administration
media and communication
ma/pgdip/pgcert international broadcast journalism
social sciences
msc health psychology (january only)
tourism, hospitality and events management
mba hospitality and tourism
msc/pgdip/ international hospitality management 一年的全职学(9月或者1月开学) + 6 ~ 12个月的带薪实习, 学费£9,495 (包括带薪实习时期的学费)
engineering and technology
msc/pgdip/pgcert advanced engineering
msc/pgdip/pgcert computer and network engineering
msc/pgdip/pgcert electronics and information technology
msc/pgdip/pgcert engineering
msc/pgdip/pgcert engineering and management
msc/pgdip/pgcert industrial management
media and communication
ma/pgdip/pgcert communication studies
social sciences
ma/pgdip/pgcert social science research methods
msc/pgdip/pgcert social science research methods (psychology)
bellerbys college
m.l.s international college
holborn college (pre-mba)
greenwich university
uwic, cardiff pre-mba 二月开学
herfordshire university pre-master at business (无专业限制)
l exeter university
gcem,gcet jan
foundation course in management, finance and english teaching
ielts 5.5
can accept undergraduate graduate or diploma student with good working experience for at least 2 years
for further master study in finance and tesol, student must have relevant working experience
l heriot-watt university
pg foundation in both jan and sept start
for jan starts, those with ielts 5.0 study from october until september, whereas those with ielts
5.5 or higher can study from january until september.
this postgraduate foundation course leads into the following courses:
msc in distributed and multimedia information systems
msc in interactive multimedia
msc in information technology (business)
msc in information technology (multimedia)
msc in information technology (software systems)
msc in information technology (bioinformatics)
msc in information technology (e-learning)
napier university
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲