


2017/06/03 11:40:51 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:539 移动端

  英国约克大学金融管理课程分析。约克大学的八个学院分别是:Alcuin, Derwent, Goodricke, Halifax, James, Langwith, Vanbrugh 和 Wentworth。每所学院都有平等的地位,都有其自己的规章。学院在院长的领导下,由选举产生的教师和学生委员会管理学院。学院中的许多系都有独立的办公部门,学院的学科、男女生比例、学习年限都经过严格的论证。就此本文简要介绍英国约克大学金融管理课程。


  MSc Accounting and Financial Management

  课程介绍:This specialist Masters is intended to build on your existing knowledge of accounting and finance. The programme concentrates on the role of accounting and finance in organisational management and will provide you with a thorough grounding in accounting, finance, financial management, financial reporting, financial markets and investment and risk.

网址 http://www.york.ac.uk/management/taught-masters/programmes/accounting/
学费 £12,720
语言要求 雅思6.5,单项不低于6,写作不低于6.5
入学要求 Applicants should have a good first degree (2:1 or equivalent) in any of the following Finance and /or Accounting Other degrees where there is a substantial Management and Finance/Accounting component (at least 2 Accounting and 2 Financemodules) or a record of relevant work experience/professional qualifications China: offers range from 80 to 85 in the four year bachelor’s degree. Diplomas are not accepted.

  就业方向:The programme will provide you with the knowledge and skills you will need for a career in the financial service industry or financial consultancy.


  Term 1

  Critical Perspectives in Accounting (10 credits)

  Advanced Financial Accounting (20 credits)

  Managerial Economics (10 credits)

  Advanced Management Accounting (20 credits)

  Term 2

  Financial Strategy and Governance (20 credits)

  Qualitative Research Methods (10 credits)

  Example Options

  Choice of 1 from:

  Social and Environmental Accounting (20 credits)

  Public Sector Accounting (20 credits)

  Financial Markets and Investment (20 credits)

  Accounting and Risk (20 credits)

  Term 3

  Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis (10 credits)

  Summer Dissertation (60 credits)

  MSc in Management with Business Finance

  课程介绍:This Masters programme is designed to provide you with knowledge and skills in the areas of management with an emphasis on business finance. You will need some background in Economics and other quantitative subjects, from that base we will provide you with a general introduction to a range of management and finance topics and will give you a chance specialise in particular areas of financial management in the second term.

网址 http://www.york.ac.uk/management/taught-masters/programmes/management-finance/
学费 £12,720
语言要求 雅思6.5,单项不低于6,写作不低于6.5
入学要求 Applicants should have a good first degree (2:1 or equivalent) in any of the following: Finance or Accounting. Ideally there should be some modules in other management subjects Management or Business Studies where there has been a substantial Finance, Accounting, and Economics component Economics, with some modules in Finance and Accounting Other degrees where there is a substantial Management, Finance/Accounting or Economics component (about half of the modules) China: offers range from 80 to 85 in the four year bachelor’s degree. Diplomas are not accepted.

  就业方向:The programme will provide you with knowledge and skills to undertake a range of management roles, particularly in the financial services industry, large public sector organisations or in consultancy.


  Term 1

  Business Information Systems (10 credits)

  Advanced Financial Management (20 credits)

  Managerial Economics (10 credits)

  Strategic Management and Organisational Change (10 credits)

  Term 2

  Operations and Project Management (10 credits)

  Qualitative Research Methods (10 credits)

  Social and Environmental Accounting (20 credits)

  Example Options

  Choice of 2 from:

  Accounting and Risk (20 credits)

  Financial Markets and Investment (20 credits)

  Financial Strategy and Governance (20 credits)

  Term 3

  Quantitative Methods and Data Analysis (10 credits)

  Summer Dissertation (60 credits)






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