


2017/06/03 04:39:22 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:494 移动端


Rating Name of institution Guardian score /100 Spend per student (FTE) Average entry tariff Value-added score /10
1 Oxford 100   560 8
2 Warwick 97.2 10 488 8
3 City 94.9 10 413 9
4 St Andrews 89.3 6 524 10
5 UCL 88.3 9 445 7
6 Bristol 87.7   433 6
7 Strathclyde 87.2 9 417 9
8 Bath 85.3 8 464 8
9 Loughborough 82.6 7 421 7
10 Lancaster 82.5 8 412 6
11 Reading 81.7 10 396 7
12 Glasgow 79.1 8 428 7
12 London School of Economics 79.1 7 488 5
14 Exeter 78.5 6 450 8
15 Buckingham 77.2 4 259 2
16 Heriot-Watt 75.9 10 339 8
17 Nottingham 75.3 7 409 5
18 Birmingham 73.4 9 406 7
19 Robert Gordon 73.2 4 288 9
20 King's College London 72.9 4 466 4
20 Leeds 72.9 9 423 6
22 Stirling 71.5 4 309 9
23 Kent 71.4 7 312 3
24 Sunderland 71 10 239 9
25 Edinburgh 70.9 9 419 8
26 Durham 70 9 414 3
27 Aston 69.5 8 388 6
28 Manchester 66.6 9 411 4
29 Lester 66.3 9 367 7
29 Queen's, Belfast 66.3 4 380 4
31 Cumbria 66.1 8 220 6
32 Cardiff 65.1 6 384 4
32 Lincoln 65.1 3 276 6
34 Newcastle 64.9 6 399 7
34 Oxford Brookes 64.9 6 315 7
36 Southampton 64.3 6 429 6
37 Edinburgh Napier 63.3 3 268 9
38 UEA 62.6 8 343 4
39 Liverpool 61.3 6 385 4
40 Northumbria 61.2 5 318 7
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