


刚刚更新 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:189 移动端

  紧随着2014年《卫报》最新英国 大学排名的公布于众,其专业排名也呼之欲出。针对中国留学生最喜爱的商科专业,小编特选“商务管理专业”排名,先让童鞋们“一饱眼福”。


Rating Name of institution Guardian score /100 Satisfied with course (%) Satisfied with teaching (%) Satisfied with feedback (%) Student:staff ratio Spend per student (FTE) Average entry tariff Value-added score /10
1 Oxford 100 88 90 68 9.4   596 7  
2 Warwick 93.6 90 87 61 17.4 10 509 8
3 Bath 88.6 94 90 71 19.4 8 487 7
4 City 86.8 89 81 66 22.6 10 450 8
5 UCL 85.7 89 82 61 14.2 10 474 7  
6 London School of Economics 85.5 83 79 73 13.2 9 515 5
7 St Andrews 84.9 89 90 65 18.9 6 582 8  
8 Bristol 83.1 82 81 64   9 458 7
9 Strathclyde 82.8 93 90 72 24.8 9 471 8
10 Lester 81.9 85 83 67 13.8 10 376 6
11 Coventry 80 91 89 79 14.3 5 278 9
11 Loughborough 80 94 88 72 24.1 7 438 7
13 Leeds 79.3 91 87 70 23.5 10 446 8
14 Birmingham 78.5 86 84 58 20.8 10 421 8
15 Lancaster 77.9 92 88 71 20.3 7 419 5
16 Glasgow 77.7 90 87 71 30.2 6 484 8
17 Reading 77.4 87 85 57 16.6   399 8
18 Cardiff 76.6 91 85 70 16.7 8 424 6
19 Durham 74.1 85 84 77 25.6 8 410 4
20 SOAS 73.4 85 85 68 13.9 7 427    
21 Heriot-Watt 73 92 87 78 29.9   384 7
22 Edinburgh 72.8 83 78 47 22.5 10 457 9
23 Sunderland 71.9 86 85 77 19.8 10 264 7
24 Exeter 71.6 90 88 71 27.9 6 456 5
25 Manchester 70.7 84 79 62 16.9   430 4
26 Bath Spa 69.6 95 90 84 25.1 3 327 7
27 Aston 69.5 83 80 57 23.7 9 404 7
27 Kent 69.5 90 80 68 18.9 6 377 6
29 Robert Gordon 69.2 90 85 68 20.3 4 382 6
30 Surrey 68.7 88 83 71 26.3 7 377 7



  解读2014年《卫报》英国大学排名 萨里冲上云霄


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