


2017/06/03 01:05:41 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:401 移动端
Rating Name of institution Guardian score /100 Satisfied with course (%) Satisfied with teaching (%) Satisfied with feedback (%) Student:staff ratio Spend per student (FTE) Average entry tariff Value-added score /10 Career after 6 mths
1 Cambridge 100 92 93 65 5 7 597   76
2 Liverpool 86.9 95 95 60 5.3 9 488 4 92
3 Edinburgh 83.5 84 94 56 6 8 528 8 89
4 Nottingham 71.2 98 100 55 6.1 3 467 3 87
5 Royal Veterinary College 58.9 87 93 51 9.6 7 516 4 91
6 Glasgow 52.7 94 92 48 8.3 3 514 9 95
7 Bristol 34.9 92 94 52 13.3 3 475 4 77
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