


2017/06/02 21:16:40 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:411 移动端

  英国林肯大学(University of Lincoln)是英国的国立大学,同时也是一所国际知名的研究型大学。学校所在的林肯市拥有悠久历史和丰厚的文化底蕴,雄伟壮观的林肯大教堂和古城堡闻名于世,这个地区分布了众多罗马、诺曼底时代的考古遗址。林肯市同时是一座现代化、多元化的都市,繁华的商业街,琳琅满目的商店,各种艺术休闲及娱乐设施场所等应有尽有。多元化的教学、优美的环境是众多留学生选择林肯大学的原因之一。下面澳际留学专家给大家介绍英国林肯大学机械工程专业的学习内容和就业前景。


  The BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering degree at Lincoln aims to produce graduates who are highly skilled, creative engineers who can adapt to new challenges and deliver sustainable solutions for modern society.


  Founded in collaboration with Siemens, the University of Lincoln’s School of Engineering has a core philosophy of research-led teaching. Our innovative industrial collaborations has led to a generous programme of bursaries and workplace experience opportunities. The University is also one of a select group of Siemens' Global Principal Partners.


  Strong links exist between our Mechanical and Electrical programmes, ensuring all graduates have a strong cross-disciplinary focus necessary for the modern engineer, and an excellent understanding of industry perspectives.



  As a student in Mechanical Engineering, you will study core mechanical engineering subjects and specialise in the design and analysis of advanced mechanical and energy systems.


  The first year of the BEng degree aims to provide a solid foundation in mechanical engineering theory and practice, enabling students to rine important technical skills, such as computer aided design and workshop skills.


  The second and third years offer a range of specialist modules and, at each stage of the course, there are opportunities to practise and develop engineering skills on real-life problems through project work.



  Professional engineers are in demand in the UK and overseas. Graduates may pursue a variety of career paths in areas such as control systems, power and energy and mechanical and materials engineering.


  The University’s status as a Siemens Global Principal Partner gives Lincoln graduates an inside line to placements, mentoring and recruitment at Siemens. Other graduate destinations include Alstom, Babcock and Jaguar Land Rover. Progression to postgraduate study is also a popular option.

  林肯大学作为西门子的全球主要伙伴的地位,可以帮助毕业生在西门子安置、指导和招聘。毕业生也可以在 Alstom, Babcock and Jaguar Land Rover求职工作。继续研究生求学也是一个非常受欢迎的选择。


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