


2017/06/02 21:09:18 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:287 移动端

  英国金史密斯学院是伦敦大学联盟的一份子,专攻艺术、传播媒体与文化创意课程。根据来自英国教育部门的权威排名,2015年英国Research Excellence Framework (REF 2015,前RAE排名),Goldsmiths传播与媒体综合排名全英第三名,传播与媒体学院的研究影响力(research intensity)位列全英第一。下面澳际留学专家给大家介绍英国金史密斯学院传媒及传播学专业的概述、学习技能和就业前景。


  The degree consists of 50% media theory and 50% media practice. We aim to provide an inspirational learning experience in which theory and practice influence and enrich each other in the production of original creative and intellectual work.


  Far more than just a media degree this programme incorporates philosophical perspectives on technology and human life as well as sociological approaches to media production.


  We look at issues of identity through critical race studies, queer theory and critiques of post-feminism. We investigate global screen cultures and also the role of news in democracy. All of this, together with critical, creative practice in production equips our students to be the thinking media practitioners of the future.



  Some of the skills you'll develop during a Media and Communications degree include: critical and analytical skills/proficiency in assessing evidence and in expressing ideas clearly/ability to bring together insights from a range of subjects/IT skills/communications skills/journalistic and creative writing skills.



  Alumni from the Department have gone on to careers in television, radio, the press, publishing, film-making, advertising, marketing and public relations, web design, teaching and research, advertising, arts and administration, business and industry, European Union private sector management and personnel work, and many more both in the media industries and elsewhere. You can read more about possible career options after graduating on our Media and Communications careers page.



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