


2017/06/02 21:04:14 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:205 移动端



  Teaching is oriented towards the development of your practical and analytical skills, as well as theoretical awareness and understanding. You develop sophisticated skills in the use of both qualitative and quantitative research methods as a means to analyse media, culture and society.


  You benit from a range of teaching methods including small group tutorials and workshops, as well as lectures, classes and occasional screenings. The programme also utilises online module guides, a virtual notice board and student discussion facilities.



  Most modules are assessed by a combination of coursework and examinations, but some are entirely coursework-based. Examples of coursework include essays, projects and exercises related to media analysis or other kinds of social research.


  Each module in the first year must be passed satisfactorily in order to enter the second year. Your final degree result is based on assessment during the second and final years.



  The following represents an indicative estimate of how you can expect your time to be split on this programme, based on the information available at the time of publication (February 2016):

  5 per cent medium group teaching

  11 per cent large group teaching

  84 per cent studying and revising in your own time


  Our degree programme builds your ability to analyse complex issues and reach sound conclusions, which is highly desirable for a variety of careers in business, government or third-sector organisations.


  You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of media and related industries, which provides you with valuable grounding if you wish to move towards media, research, PR or marketing-related careers.


  On successful completion of the BSc in Media, Culture and Society students may apply to progress to the Master’s degree in Social Research Methods or Criminology, Criminal Justice and Social Research.


  You will graduate with excellent analytical and research skills, mastery of quantitative methods and the ability to communicate well. You will also have gained a particular understanding of the media industries, which will provide a valuable initial grounding if you wish to move towards media-related careers.



  You have the option of studying abroad with one of our partner universities, including the option to apply to spend a year at the University of Maryland in the USA in your second year. Visits to other partners are possible for one semester in your Professional Training year. These include:


  Nanyang Technological University

  Seoul National University

  Brock University

  University of Cincinnati

  North Carolina State University

  University of Central Florida

  University of North Texas

  Texas Tech

  Monash University

  Swinburne University

  La Trobe University

  University of Sydney

  University of Victoria, Wellington


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