


2017/06/02 18:46:53 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:493 移动端


排名 大学 就业前景
1 Cambridge 82
2 Bath 77
3 Oxford 74
4 St Andrews 75
5 University College London 77
6 Durham 77
7 Birmingham 81
8 Glasgow 75
9 Exeter 73
10 Cardiff 70
11 Surrey 72
12 Kent 78
13 Bristol 68
14 Sussex 74
15 Newcastle 63
16 Nottingham 71
17 Southampton 73
18 Royal Holloway, University of London 60
19 York 62
20 Leeds 64
21 Edinburgh 65
22 Lancaster 72
23 King's College London
24 Warwick 62
25 Loughborough 64
26 Strathclyde 58
27 Aberdeen 57
28 Manchester 59
29 East Anglia (UEA) 56
30 Swansea 73
31 Aston 62
32 Lester 62
33 Bangor 66
34 Shfield 61
35 Lincoln 67
36 Queen's, Belfast 55
37 Stirling 55
38 Dundee 60
39 Reading 50
40 Essex 57
41 Portsmouth 56
42 Abertay 58
43 City 55
44 Coventry 66
45 Heriot-Watt 62
46 Oxford Brookes 55
47 Keele 57
48 Bradford 65
49 York St John 66
50 Liverpool 52

  英国心理学会又将应用心理学细分为临床心理学(clinical psychology)、咨询心理学(counselling psychology) 、教育心理学(educational psychology) 、法制心理学(forensic psychology)、健康心理学(health psychology)、神经心理学(neuropsychology)、职业心理学(occupational psychology)、运动心理学(sport and exercise psychology)等。



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