


2017/06/02 16:26:36 编辑: 浏览次数:247 移动端

  坎特伯雷大学(Canterbury Christ Church University)地处英格兰南部风景如画历史名城坎特伯雷(Canterbury)市中心。除校园内利种设施外,学生走到市中心仅需5分钟。目前14,000多名全日制和非全日制学生学习种课程,包括本科、研究生、研究式和英语语言课程等。表示,坎特伯雷大学是英国留学名校之一,它以优美的环境和先进的教学设置着名。坎特伯雷大学(Canterbury Christ Church University) 申请者众多,本文中留学专家为学子们汇总了坎特伯雷大学学费信息,希望对准备申请坎特伯雷大学(Canterbury Christ Church University)的学子们有帮助。


  Standard BA / BSc / Dip HE / Science Foundation Programme £9,150

  Standard MA / MSc £9,900

  Standard MPhil / PhD £9,900

  Other Undergraduate Programmes

  International Foundation Programme (September start) £8,145

  International Foundation Programme (January start) £5,430

  BA Social Work £9,405

  Other Postgraduate Programmes

  Art, MA £9,890

  Business and Management, MSc £9,900

  Cardiology, PG Diploma £13,600

  Cardiology, MSc £20,000

  Careers Guidance, MA £10,605

  Careers Guidance (QCG), PG Diploma £7,420

  Computing, MSc £9,900

  Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies, MA £9,900

  Early Years, MA £9,900

  Education, MA £9,900

  Education Leadership and Management, MBA £12,000

  English, MA £9,900

  Film Production, MA £9,890

  Forensic Computing, MSc £9,900

  Health Promotion & Public Health, MSc - per module £1,100

  Managerial Finance, MSc £9,900

  Marketing, MSc £9,900

  Minimally Invasive Surgery, MCh, Diploma, Certificate £20,000

  Music (MMus), Master of £10,610

  Music, PG Diploma £7,005

  PGCE (Canadian TEACH students)TBC

  PGCE (except Canadian TEACH Students) £9,900

  Pre-Sessional Programme (Business), MSc £2,800

  Social Work, MA £9,640

  Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), MA £9,900

  Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) with exemption from PG Certificate, MA £7,350

  Tourism Marketing, MSc £9,900

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