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泰晤士河谷大学正如其名字所示,位于泰晤士河谷。学校有3个校区,分别位于:London、Slough和Reading。学校的教学规模和多样性在英国都首屈一指,吸引着140多个国家的国际学生前来就学。泰晤士河谷大学是一所公立大学,其教学受到了高等教育质量保障局的监督,并且学校与用人公司保持着密切合作关系,设置的课程都符合职业教育的需求,使毕业生们广受用人单位的肯定和欢迎。 本科生费用
In most cases, tuition fees for the 2011/12 academic year are £8,150 or £9,540 per complete academic year, depending on the course.
You will need to pay 50 per cent of your first year's fee as a non-rundable deposit when you accept an offer from University of West London.
If your course lasts for at least one academic year you then pay either:
the remaining 50 per cent in three equal instalments over the three months following enrolment. All instalment options are subject to a £50 administration charge payable in advance.Or you pay the remainder of your first year's fee at enrolment, taking advantage of the early payment discount students may receive if they pay their tuition fees in full bore their course begins.
Fees for courses lasting less than an academic year are payable in full at enrolment.
Home students must pay:
50% of their tuition fee at enrolment, from which any deposit paid will be deducted
the remaining 50% in three equal instalments.
Overseas students must pay:
50% of their tuition fee bore enrolment
the remaining 50% of their tuition fee, either:
at enrolment
or via a payment plan of three equal instalments (a administration fee of £50 will be charged).
If you pay your tuition fees in full on or bore enrolment, you will be entitled to an early payment discount.
Amy GUO 经验: 16年 案例:4272 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲