


2017/06/02 11:22:24 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:151 移动端

  格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)商务社会科学和法律学硕士预科(Pre-Masters in Business, Social Sciences or Law)主要为自身条件达不到大学硕士要求的学生开设的过渡课程。通过此课程,学生主要学习英语,英国文化,组织行为学,社会科学等科目,为日后的硕士课程做好准备。顺利完成该课程的学生可进入格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)继续深造。




  MSc International Business & Entrepreneurship

  MSc International Management and Leadership

  MSc International Strategic Marketing

  MSc Management

  MSc Management with Enterprise and Business Growth

  MSc Management with Human Resources

  MSc Management with International Finance

  MSc Management with International Real Estate

  MPA Public Administration



  MSc Banking and Financial Services

  MSc Central Banking

  MSc Economics, Banking and Finance

  MSc Economic and Financial Sector Policies

  MSc Financial Economics

  MSc Finance and Economic Development

  MSc Financial Forecasting and Investment

  MSc Financial Risk Management

  MAcc International Accounting and Financial Management

  MSc International Banking and Finance

  MSc International Corporate Finance and Banking

  MSc International Development

  MSc International Financial Analysis

  MSc International Finance and Economic Policy

  MFin International Finance

  MSc International Financial Economics

  MSc International Trade and Finance

  MSc Investment Banking and Finance


  LLM Corporate and Financial Law

  LLM Intellectual Property and the Digital Economy

  LLM International Law and Security

  LLM International Commercial Law

  LLM International Competition Law and Policy

  LLM International Law

  LLM Law


  MSc Adult and Continuing Education

  MSc China in the International Arena

  MSc City and Regional Planning

  MSc City Planning and Real Estate Development

  MSc City Planning and Regeneration

  MSc Global Economy

  MSc Development Studies

  MSc Economic Development

  MSc Educational Studies

  MSc Environment and Sustainable Development

  MSc Equality and Human Rights

  MSc European Politics

  MSc European Politics and Law

  MSc Europe and International Development

  MSc Housing Studies

  MSc Human Rights and International Politics

  MSc International Relations

  MLitt Managing Health and Wellbeing

  MSc Political Communication

  MSc Project Planning and Development Policy Analysis

  MSc Public Policy

  MSc Real Estate

  MSc Real Estate and Regeneration

  MSc Russian Central and East European Studies

  MSc Social History

  MSc Social Science Research

  MSc Sociology

  MLitt Toursim Heritage and Development

  MSc Urban and Housing Practice

  MSc Urban Policy and Practice

  MSc Urban Regeneration








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