


2017/06/02 01:36:20 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:58 移动端

  英国巴斯大学给雕鸮发图书证:An owl which is used to deter seagulls from nesting at the University of Bath has been given a library card in recognition of his "valuable service". 一只鸮成功阻止海鸥在巴斯大学安家筑巢,学校授予其图书证以表彰其“有价值的服务”。

  Yoda the Eagle Owl visits the campus twice a week with his handler, Marcus, as an environmentally friendly method to control the numbers of gulls. 这只名叫尤达(Yoda)的雕鸮和它的训导员马库斯(Marcus)每周造访学校两次,以这种环境友好型的方法来控制海鸥的数量。

  In recognition of his work, the university decided to issue the seven-year-old bird with his own card. 为表彰尤达的工作,学校决定向这只七岁大的鸟颁发专属证件。

  The university said the card had not yet been presented to Yoda. 校方称证件还未颁发给尤达。

  "The University has invited Yoda and his handler Marcus to visit the campus twice a week as an environmentally friendly method to control the seagull numbers on campus and thereby limit the potential adverse fects a large gull population can have," a spokesman said. 校方发言人说:“学校请尤达和它的训导员马库斯每周来校园两次,以环境友好的方法控制校园内海鸥的数量,限制大量海鸥可能带来的潜在负面影响。”

  "During his visits, Yoda's presence has the fect of unsettling the gull population and dissuading them from hanging around on campus and from nesting further in the area. “尤达每次到访都会使海鸥惶惶不安,使它们不在校园上空盘旋,放弃继续在学校安营扎寨。”

  "Yoda has been hand-reared by his owner which makes him very sociable with humans. “尤达是被它的主人一手带大的,因此和人类很亲近。”

  Gulls can become territorial and aggressive during nesting periods. 海鸥在筑巢期会表现出领地意识和攻击性。

  As they will scavenge almost anything edible, the university said it was concerned they would become a nuisance for staff and students enjoying lunch outdoors. 在此期间它们几乎见到什么吃什么,校方担心这会妨碍员工和学生中午在户外用餐。

  Yoda could be expected to live for up to 20 years in the wild, but may reach 60 years in captivity. 在野生环境下,尤达预计可存活20年,人工饲养则可存活60年。

  The University of Bath has more than 15,000 students enrolled at its campus which is located on Claverton Down to the south-east of the historic city.巴斯大学坐落在历史悠久的巴斯古城东南部的Claverton Down郊区,全校共有15000多名学生。








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