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  据教育部考试中心网站及ETS报名网站消息 美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)现正采取措施解决2010年10月23日在中国大陆地区举行的GRE普通考试错误重复使用先前旧试题的事件。为确保GRE考试成绩的效力,ETS艰难地决定取消所有参加2010年10月23日中国大陆地区GRE普通考试的考生成绩。ETS将为所有受此决定影响的考生提供以下弥补措施(每生限选一项):参加于2010年11月20日举行的免费重考;或免费转考2011年6月11日举行的GRE普通考试;或全额退还10月23日GRE普通考试的考费。ETS将加快2010年11月20日举行的免费重考的成绩报告速度,最迟于2010年12月10日将此次免费重考成绩寄送相关院校。ETS还将同每位受影响的考生进行沟通,考生最晚将于10月30日(本周六)得到有关此次事件的详细说明。ETS为这一独立的事件表示遗憾并正采取相关措施保证今后不再发生类似事件。

  Statement on Oct. 23, 2010 GRE? General Test in China

  ETS is working to resolve an issue with the October 23, 2010administration of the GRE? General Test in China in which apreviously-used edition of the test was mistakenly administered. In anfort to protect the validity of GRE scores, ETS has made thedifficult decision to cancel all scores resulting from the Oct. 23,2010 GRE administration in China. ETS is providing those GRE testtakers affected by the cancellation the option to either: (a) take amake-up test on Nov. 20, 2010, (b) transfer to the scheduled June 11,2011 GRE administration, or (c) receive a full rund of their GRE testfee for the October 23, 2010 administration. ETS intends to acceleratethe score reporting time frame for the November 20, 2010 make-up sothat test scores may be reported to institutions by Dec. 10, 2010. ETSwill send communications to affected GRE test takers so that they areinformed of these details by Saturday Oct. 30, 2010. ETS regrets thatthis isolated incident occurred and is taking steps to ensure against asimilar occurrence in the future。

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