


2017/06/01 10:55:26 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:156 移动端


  1. If you’re from a non European Economic Area (EEA) country, complete the landing card given to you during your flight bore you arrive at border control.


  2. Have your passport ready. Remove it from any cover, and remember to remove sunglasses and hats.把护照准备好,不要用任何东西遮盖护照。学生本人也要把墨镜和帽子取掉。

  3. Keep information about the course you’re studying in your hand luggage. This must be in paper copy (not an electronic copy on tablet or phone). This includes your university Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number. 请把你的课程资料放到你的手提袋中,因为入境时随时会检查,值得注意的是你的课程资料必须是纸质的,不能是电子版。另外你的课程资料必须要有CAS号,否则也是无效的。

  4. Keep recent bank statements and details of where you are staying in your hand luggage, Border Force officers may ask to see this information.


  5. Expect Border Force officers to ask simple questions about your stay in the UK when you arrive at passport control.

  6. Do not bring in any meat or dairy products from outside the European Union (EU). There are restrictions on traditional medicines, food products such as fish, eggs and honey, and some fruit, vegetables and plants (including bulbs, seeds, cut flowers and tree bark). 欧盟国家外的学生,请不要不携带任何肉类和乳制品入境。

  7. There are also restrictions on the amount of tobacco, alcohol and gifts you can bring to the UK. If you exceed your duty-free allowance and do not declare them, all of your items could be taken away from you.烟、酒、礼物携带的数量也是有数量限制的。如果携带数量超过免税数量,而且还没有申报的话,亲,你这是在为英国边境署做贡献呀!

  8. Never bring in counterfeit goods, illegal drugs, offensive weapons or indecent or obscene material. Some items are restricted and will require a licence or permit.永远不要携带假冒商品、毒品、攻击性武器或者淫秽资料。

  9. You must declare cash of 10,000 Euros or more (or the equivalent in another currency) if you are travelling from a country outside the EU. 如果你的现金超过一万欧元(或同等金额的现金),需要申报。

  10. Never give false or misleading information (including forged or counterfeit documents). 永远不要提供错误或误导性的资料。



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