您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 2017年英国留学生活:需了解的民族文化
英国 - 49,138,831元
苏格兰 - 5062011万
威尔士 - 2,903085万
北爱尔兰 - 1685267万
英格兰教会成立于1534年,由亨利八世,他从天主教教会分裂,仍然会在英格兰的正式成立。超过27万人在英国,英国教会是最大面额由远及英国文化的一个非常有影响力的力量。英国圣公会坎特伯雷大主教在其头部,包括两个主要的传统, 高教会派 和 低教会 ,它被认为是全球圣公会的母亲教会。 高教会 遵循比较传统形式的崇拜,天主教,而 低教会 ,是福音派和更密切相关的全球圣公会运动。
宗教在英国的更多信息, 请访问国家统计局网站。
稍懂英国的事实是,有超过390,000执业绝正式!大约从2001年的人口普查,这个离奇的事实可以当电子邮件被送往周围声称,如果有足够多的人把这个作为他们的宗教,英国政府必须认识??到这一点,作为一种宗教。当然,这是不正确的,但有趣的是知道他们即将 - 可能的力量与你同在!
The UK has a very diverse society and the image that all Brits are cricket-playing, cucumber-sandwich- eating people with stiff upper lips is not at all true. As described more fully in our Why Study in the UK pages, the UK has a very multicultural society and is very open to new religions and cultures.
Over the last 30 to 40 years the UK has changed greatly and has become much more cosmopolitan and multicultural. The UK is seen as a destination of great diversity with London being the hub for many internationals.
At the last census in 2001, there were 58,789,194 people in the UK which broke down to:
UK - 49,138,831 million
Scotland - 5,062,011 million
Wales - 2,903085 million
Northern Ireland - 1,685,267 million
Overall since 1951, the population in the UK has seen a 17 percent rise, slower than the average growth in the EU during the same time period of 23 percent.
The main religion in the UK is Christianity which makes up about 42 million people, largely split between the Church of England and Catholicism.
The Church of England was established in 1534 by Henry VIII, as he split from the Catholic Church, and remains the officially-established church in England. With over 27 million people in the UK, the Church of England is the largest denomination by far and a very influential force on British culture. With the Archbishop of Canterbury at its head, the Church of England encompasses two main traditions, the high church and the low church , and it s considered the mother church of the worldwide Anglican Church. The high church follows fairly traditional forms of worship, similar to Catholicism, whereas the low church is more evangelical and more closely related to the worldwide Anglican movement.
Roman Catholics make up the second largest Christian group, with about 9 million practicing in the UK, and the rest follow other Protestant denominations including Baptist, Methodist and Pentecostal.
In addition to Christianity, the UK has large numbers of practicing members of other major world religions, as follows:
Pakistani Muslims 658,000
Indian Hindus 467,000
Indian Sikhs 301,000
Bangladeshi Muslims 260,000
White Jews 252,000
Please visit the National Statistics website for more information on religion in the UK.
A little know fact about the UK is that there are officially just over 390,000 practicing Jedi's! This quirky fact can about from the 2001 census when a email was sent around that claimed if enough people put this down as their religion, the UK government would have to recognize this as a religion. Of course this is not true, but it is fun to know that they are about - may the force be with you!
The main language in the UK is, of course, English, which is spoken throughout the whole country. In Wales, some people still speak Welsh; however, since all Welsh people also speak English, you only need to speak English anywhere in the UK. For such a relatively small country, there are a lot of dialects in the UK, and some of them can be hard to understand, even for English people. UK dialects include:
Cockney probably the most famous and generally attributed to people from London
Brummy people from Birmingham
Mancunian people from Manchester
West Country people from Devon, Cornwall and Bristol area
Scouser people from the Liverpool area
Geordie people from Newcastler, Middlesborough and Sunderland
Scottish people from Scotland
Welsh people from Wales
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲