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世界棒球经典赛(World Baseball Classic)是由美国职棒大联盟与国际棒球总会共同策划的国际棒球大赛,也可以称之为“棒球世界杯”,是为了将棒球赛发展成为全球性的正式比赛,堪称为国际棒坛史上最大的棒球盛事。举行WBC的主要目的是为了引起世界人们对棒球的关心,达到举行“棒球世界杯赛”的目的。

第一届的比赛于2006年3月在日本进行,来自5大洲 的16支球队,将分别在日本、美国和波多黎各进行39场比赛,争夺冠军宝座,此次大赛由日本队夺魁。第二届将于2009年举行,往后每隔四年举行一届比赛。

It begins with two kids, three kids, a group of kids -- and a ball. Add a stick -- call it a bat -- and you have baseball.

It is, by most measurements, an American game -- invented in the United States sometime in the mid-19th century (the date is in dispute among groups of purists).

Yet over the course of the 20th century, baseball has become a world sport.

Now, in recognition of the explosion of interest in the sport around the globe, the first annual World Baseball Classic has taken place March in venues in the United States, Japan and Puerto Rico.
Basic Info 基本信息
The World Baseball Classic is a new baseball event that will showcase players and teams from around the world. It’s an international baseball tournament, featuring Major League players and others, to be first held in March 2006 then in 2009, and then every four years thereafter. Major League Baseball has been trying for years to come up with a way to showcase the world’s best players in an international tournament, much like soccer’s World Cup or the Olympics.

The WBC is the first international baseball tournament to feature major-league players; the Summer Olympics regularly features college and minor-league players, since it conflicts with the MLB season, and the World Cup of Baseball historically has not had major leaguers either. For the first time baseball fans were able to compare the talents of players and teams on an International level. The winning team of the World Baseball Classic Final receives a Championship Trophy. The players on both the Championship team and the runner-up team receive individual medals.

A list of 177 players who have committed to play in this 16- nation tournament, representing all 30 major-league clubs, was released during the first day of baseball's winter meetings.

That listed featured some of the game's biggest stars, including Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Derek Jeter and Johnny Damon of the United States; Pedro Martinez, David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez of the Dominican Republic; Carlos Delgado, Carlos Beltran and Ivan Rodriguez of Puerto Rico; Eric Gagne and Jason Bay of Canada; and Andruw Jones of the Netherlands.

The 16 teams were divided into four pools. The first includes Taiwan, China, Japan and Korea, and games were played either in Tokyo or Taiwan. The North American pool includes the U.S., Canada and Mexico, along with South Africa, and games were played in Arizona, either at spring-training sites or Phoenix? Bank One Ballpark. The third pool features Cuba, the Netherlands, Panama and Puerto Rico, with games to be played in Puerto Rico. The final pool comprises Australia, the Dominican Republic, Italy and Venezuela, playing in Florida at spring-training sites or the home parks of the Marlins or Devil Rays.

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