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St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Thanksgiving Day Parade 感恩节巡游
Thanksgiving Day is the annual harvest festival in the USA and it falls on the third Thursday in November. Traditionally, Macy's department store hosts a gigantic parade in Manhattan on Thanksgiving Day. Huge balloons depicting cartoon figures and other favorite characters float above the streets on tethers controlled by costumed marchers. Clowns, entertainers, marching bands and elaborate displays fill the Avenues of New York City culminated by Santa Claus signifying the beginning of another Christmas shopping season.

The parade traditionally begins 9AM at 77th Street on the upper West Side. It proceeds to Columbus Circle and down Broadway to Herald Square in front of Macy's. If you are in Manhattan the day bore Thanksgiving, you can go to the Upper West Side in the evening to watch the giant balloons being inflated and the floats being prepared for the next day.

Halloween in Greenwich Village 万圣节巡游
October 31 is Halloween, the holiday when children all across the USA don costumes and prowl their neighborhood seeking candy "treats". In the Greenwich Village section of Manhattan, home of many artists, theatrical performers and a large gay community, the residents hold a spectacular parade. They dress in outlandish, flamboyant and bizarre costumes, then march down the streets of their neighborhood.

Saint Patrick's Day 圣帕特里克节
March 17 is a Christian religious holiday dedicated to Saint Patrick, patron saint of Ireland. On this day, hundreds of thousands of descendants of Irish immigrants march through the streets of Manhattan and pay a visit to Saint Patrick's cathedral. In the evening, all the bars, clubs and pubs or New York fill with folks wearing green articles of clothing signifying their Irish heritage. "Everyone is Irish on Saint Patrick's Day" so all are welcome to join the merriment especially those wearing a bit of green.

The Easter Parade 复活节巡游
Easter Sunday, in early spring, is the day that New York residents dress in their finest attire and parade through the Manhattan streets to their church. They dress in everything from civil war period costumes to the latest high fashions from world-renowned designers. The parade begins at 10AM and lasts until late afternoon. It centers on Fifth Avenue between 49th Street near Rockeller Center and St. Patricks Cathedral up to 57th Street.

Native American Indian Culture

Many visitors to the USA are interested in our Native American population. They often ask about how they can visit an Indian Reservations, meet Native Americans and learn about their culture. Unfortunately, many foreign visitors to the USA share some common misconceptions about Native Americans. Let’s see if we can clarify the situation a bit.

Visiting Indian Reservations 走访印第安人家
You can visit any of the Indian reservations, but there may be little for you to see. Most Indian families live in homes that are not very different from any other houses in the USA. On the wealthier reservations, the natives live in nice modern houses or on large ranches. On the poorer reservations, the natives live in small older houses or trailers. Very few natives live in the traditional dwellings of their ancestors. The Indian pueblos in New Mexico and Arizona are the rare exception where some of the natives still live in the ancient adobe communal buildings of their ancestors.

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