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Traditional Las Vegas Performances featuring great magicians, singers, dancers, and comedians are held at the same casino theaters week after week for many years. Their appeal endures for years because they are very good. Tom Jones, Wayne Newton, Danny Gans and Penn and Teller have been appearing nightly for a long time. Unfortunately, one of the most enduring shows, the Sigfried and Roy magic act, was terminated after a decade of appearances due to a lion attack. Tickets for such shows cost $60 - $80. Reservations are recommended especially for weekend performances.
Las Vegas productions including extravaganzas like the Cirque du Soliel shows, musical reviews, retrospectives, magic shows and variety shows are still very popular along the Strip. Some of them are great! If you like rock and roll, Elvis, the beetles, country music, show girls, magic or dance, you can usually find it in one of these productions. Tickets cost between $40 and $100. The biggest and best productions cost the most and most likely require advance reservations.
Free Shows are offered by some of the casinos in order to entice you into their gambling halls. Rio offers a Masquerade in the Sky extravaganza nearly every hour. Sam's Town Casino offers a Western Stampede show four times a day. Freemont Street downtown has a canopy light show every hour after dark and many of the casinos provide mini shows and musical performances at no cost.
Old time Las Vegas Shows are offered at several casino venues every night. These are the glitzy productions featuring singers, dancers, comedians and lots of beautiful show-girls. Most of the early evening or matinee productions are less risque while the late evening performances feature the topless revues and ribald humor. Newer types of risque entertainment not available in Bugsy's days include the all-male dancer reviews and the female impersonators. Prices vary from $40 - $60. Reservations needed on busy weekends.

Las Vegas Weddings

Since the early days when Las Vegas was but a sleepy town in the desert, Nevada has had a reputation as a very permissive state that allowed legal gambling, legal prostitution and easy divorce. Many California citizens would drive across the state line to Las Vegas in order to obtain quick-and-easy divorces from their unwanted spouses. Since divorces were often instigated by the desire to marry a new mate, Las Vegas began offering quick-and-easy weddings to go along with the quick-and-easy divorces. Wedding chapels sprouted along the Strip to accommodate this unique industry of legal mate swapping.

Today, many other states offer quick no-fault divorces, so the "Las Vegas divorce" is no longer in great demand. The city has, however, kept its reputation for quick-and-easy marriages. The wedding chapels are still visible along the strip and in the downtown area near the Clark County Court House. Nearly all the major casinos have wedding chapels or wedding rooms. The City marriage office is open until midnight every weekday and open 24 hours a day from Friday until Sunday. If you suddenly decide you want to get married at 4AM on a Sunday morning, you can easily do it in Las Vegas.

frivolity n. 轻松的娱乐
pursuit n. 追逐
neon n. 霓虹
casino n. 赌场
whimsical adj. 古怪的
conservatory n. 温室
botanical Garden n. 植物园
hydroelectric adj. 水利电气的
antique adj. 年代久远并有价值的
buff n. 狂热爱好者
jangle n. 噪音;刺耳声
escarpment n. 悬崖,绝壁
outrageous adj. 非常规的;不寻常的
carat n. 克拉(宝石的重量单位)
pulsate v. 搏动,跳动
high roller n. 挥金如土者;狂赌者
scantily-clad 衣着暴露的
extravaganza n. 铺张华丽的表演
no-fault adj. 无责任的;不追究过失责任的

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