Bath 巴斯大学
2013英国排名9,世界排名168 位于英格兰巴斯市,校园距离市中心两公里
Automotive Engineering
Automotive Engineering
Year 1
Year 1 ensures that you have a good grounding in the fundamentals of engineering and the flexibility to transfer between courses if you wish. Topics include electrical circuits and devices ? electromechanics ? engineering mathematics ? mechanics and properties of materials ? programming for engineers ? thermodynamics. In addition, you study a project-based module focusing on either electrical/electronic engineering or mechanical/automotive engineering, as appropriate
Year 2
You continue to develop your mathematics knowledge and are introduced to the principles of signal processing and feedback control. You also study the key professional skills required for accreditation – project management, technical communication, risk and professional ethics
The specialist modules cover topics such as finite element modelling ? fluid mechanics ? power cycles ? structural mechanics. An interdisciplinary workshop-based module, bringing together engineers and product designers, introduces you to the techniques of design, manufacture and prototyping
Year 3
The major component of Year 3 is a two-term individual project with associated training in project planning and management. In addition, each course offers a range of core modules and options, allowing specialisation in the relevant subject areas. In electrical engineering, these include control engineering ? electrical drives ? electrical power systems. In electronic and computer engineering, they cover computer networks ? digital communications ? high-frequency circuits and devices ? micro-processor systems ? sensor systems. In mechanical and automotive engineering, you undertake a design and manufacture group project culminating in a presentation to judges from industry. In addition, you can study topics in computational fluid dynamics ? dynamics of machines and vehicles ? engine technology heat transfer ?
澳际教育 青岛分公司
新浪微博: http://e.weibo.com/qingdaoaoji