


2013/03/08 15:14:35 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:258 移动端
  Alabama (1)
  Auburn University
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2009/NR Fall 2015
  Dr. Rod Barnett, Chair
  Master of Landscape Architecture
  School of Architecture
  430 Dudley Hall
  Auburn University
  Auburn, AL 36849-5316
  (334) 844-5449
  Arizona (3)
  Arizona State University
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Fall 2006 / NR Fall 2012
  Darren Petrucci, Director
  School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
  Professor Joseph Ewan, ASLA, Program Coordinator
  Landscape Architecture Program
  School of Architecture +Landscape Architecture
  Arizona State University
  P.O. Box 871605
  Tempe, AZ 85287-1605
  fax (480)-965-0968
  Southwest University of Visual Arts
  BLA Program (Candidacy)
  BLA LR Spring 2008
  Madeline Boos, AIA, IDEC,Department Chair
  Environmental Architecture and Design
  The Art Center Design College
  2525 N. Country Club Rd.
  Tucson, AZ 85716
  Fax: 520-325-5535
  University of Arizona
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2007/NR Spring 2013
  Professor Lauri M. Johnson, ASLA, Director
  School of Landscape Architecture
  College of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
  University of Arizona
  P.O. Box 210444
  Tucson, AZ 85721-0044
  fax: (520)-626-6448
  email: landarch@u.arizona.edu
  Arkansas (1) University of Arkansas
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2010/NR Spring 2016
  Mark E. Boyer, ASLA, Interim Department Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  School of Architecture
  University of Arkansas
  230 Memorial Hall
  Fayetteville, AR 72701
  tel:(479) 575-4907
  California (5)
  California Polytechnic State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2008/NR Spring 2014
  Joseph Ragsdale, ASLA, Department Head
  Landscape Architecture Department
  College of Architecture and Environmental Design
  California Polytechnic State University
  San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
  tel:(805) 756-1319
  fax: (805) 756-2270
  email: jragsdal@calpoly.edu
  California State Polytechnic University
  BSLA Program - Provisional
  BSLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2013
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  Lee-Anne S. Milburn, Ph.D., ASLA, LEED-AP,Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  College of Environmental Design
  California State Polytechnic University
  3801 West Temple Avenue
  Pomona, CA 91768
  email: lsmilburn@csupomona.edu
  University of California, Berkeley
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  Matt Kondolf, Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  College of Environmental Design
  University of California at Berkeley
  202 Wurster Hall
  Berkeley, CA 94720-2000
  tel:(510) 642-2965
  fax: (510) 643-6166
  email: kondolf@berkeley.edu
  University of California, Davis
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  Patsy Eubanks Owens, Chair
  Landscape Architecture Program
  Department of Environmental Design
  College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  University of California at Davis
  One Shields Ave, 131 Hunt Hall
  Davis, CA 95616-8585
  tel:(530) 752-3907 fax:(530) 752-3677
  email: peowens@ucdavis.edu
  University of Southern California
  MLA Program - Initial
  IR Fall 2010/NR Fall 2016
  Rachel Berney, Ph.D, Director
  Graduate Studies in Landscape Architecture
  School of Architecture Robert Y. Timme Research Center, Room 339
  University of Southern California
  Los Angeles, CA 90089-0291
  Colorado (2)
  Colorado State University
  BSLA Program - Provisional
  BSLA: LR Spring 2010/NR Spring 2012
  Dr. Stephen Wallner, Department Head
  Brad Goetz, Associate Professor, Acting Program Director
  Program in Landscape Architecture
  Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
  College of Agricultural Sciences
  Colorado State University
  Fort Collins, CO 80523
  tel:(970) 491-7018 fax: (970) 491-7745
  email: swallner@lamar.colostate.edu
  University of Colorado, Denver
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2009/NR Fall 2015
  Ann Komara, Associate Professor and Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  College of Architecture and Planning
  University of Colorado Denver
  1250 14th Street, Suite 300
  Denver, CO 80217-3364
  tel:(303) 315-2428 fax: (303) 556-3687
  email: ann.komara@ucdenver.edu
  Connecticut (1)
  University of Connecticut
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  Peter Miniutti, ASLA
  Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture
  Program Coordinator
  Dept. of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
  College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
  University of Connecticut
  1376 Storrs Road, U-4067
  Storrs, CT 06269-4067
  tel:(860) 486-6069
  email: peter.miniutti@uconn.edu
  Florida (3)
  Florida A & M University
  MLA Program
  MLA: IR Spring 2005/NR Spring 2011
  Rodner B. Wright, AIA, Dean
  School of Architecture
  Graduate Program in Landscape Architecture
  Florida A&M University
  SOA A2321
  1936 S Martin Luther King Blvd.
  Talahassee, FL 32307
  tel:(850) 599-8797
  email: rodner.wright@famu.edu
  Florida International University
  BLA Program - Initial
  BLA: IR Spring 2009/NR Spring 2015
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  Roberto Rovira, Associate Professor and Chair
  Landscape Architecture Department
  College of Architecture + the Arts
  Modesto Maidique Campus
  Florida International University
  11200 SW 8th Street
  Miami, FL 33199
  email: roviar@fiu.edu
  University of Florida
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2010/NR Spring 2016
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2007/NR Fall 2013
  Maria C. "Tina" Gurucharri, Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  College of Design Construction and Planning
  University of Florida
  336 Architecture Building
  P.O. Box 115704-5704
  Gainesville, FL 32611
  tel:(352) 392-6098 fax: (352) 392-7266
  email: guruch@ufl.edu
  Georgia (1)
  University of Georgia
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Fall 2005/NR Fall 2011
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2009/NR Spring 2015
  Daniel J. Nadenicek, ASLA, Dean
  Scott Weinberg, FASLA, Associate Dean
  Brian LaHaie, ASLA, MLA Coordinator
  Gregg Coyle, ASLA, BLA Coordinator
  Program in Landscape Architecture
  College of Environment and Design
  School of Environmental Design
  University of Georgia
  609 Caldwell Hall
  Athens, GA 30602-1845
  tel:(706) 542-4725 (BLA),
  (706)542-4720 or 542-4704 (MLA)
  fax:(706) 583-0925
  email: weinberg@uga.edu
  Idaho (1)
  University of Idaho
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Fall 2005/NR Fall 2011
  MLA Program (Candidacy)
  Stephen Drown, ASLA, Chair
  Landscape Architecture Department
  College of Letters, Art & Social Sciences
  P.O. Box 442481
  University of Idaho
  Moscow, ID 83844-2481
  tel:(208) 885-7448
  fax: (208) 885-9482
  email: srdrown@uidaho.edu
  Illinois (2)
  Illinois Institute of Technology
  MLA Program - Initial
  IR Spring 2010/NR Spring 2016
  Peter Osler, RA, FAAR, ASLA
  Program in Landscape Architecture
  College of Architecture
  Illinois Institute of Technology
  3360 South State Street
  Chicago, IL 60616
  312-567-5820 fax
  University of Illinois
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2008/NR Spring 2014
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2008/NR Spring 2014
  Elen Deming, ASLA, Head
  Carol Emmerling ,ASLA, MLA Coordinator
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  College of Fine and Applied Arts
  University of Illinois
  101 Buell Hall MC 620, 611 Taft Dr.
  Champaign, IL 61820
  tel:(217) 333-0176
  fax: (217) 244-4568
  Indiana (2)
  Ball State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2010/NR Fall 2016
  Jody Rosenblatt Naderi, Professor and Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  College of Architecture and Planning
  Ball State University
  Muncie, IN 47306
  email: jrnaderi@bsu.edu
  Purdue University
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Fall 2010/NR Fall 2016
  Rob Sovinski, ASLA, Chair
  Landscape Architecture Program
  Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
  Purdue University
  625 Agriculture Mall Drive
  West Lafayette, IN 47907-2010
  tel:(765) 494-1341
  email: sovinski@purdue.edu
  Iowa (1)
  Iowa State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Fall 2007/NR Fall 2013
  MLA - Candidacy
  Douglas M. Johnston, ASLA
  Professor and Interim Program Director
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  Iowa State University
  College of Design, Room 146
  Ames, IA 50011
  tel:(515) 294-5676
  fax: (515)294-2348
  email: landarch@iastate.edu
  Kansas (1)
  Kansas State University
  BLA: LR Fall 2008/NR Fall 2014
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2009/NR Fall 2015
  Stephanie A. Rolley, FASLA, AICP
  Professor and Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture/Regional and
  Community Planning
  College of Architecture, Planning and Design
  Kansas State University
  302 Seaton Hall
  Manhattan, KS 66506-2909
  tel:(785) 532-5961
  fax: (785) 532-6722
  email: srolley@ksu.edu
  Kentucky (1)
  University of Kentucky
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Fall 2008/NR Fall 2014
  Ned Crankshaw, ASLA, Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  S305 Agriculture Science North
  University of Kentucky
  Lexington, KY 40546-0091
  tel:(859) 257-4691
  fax: (859) 257-2859
  email: ned.crankshaw@uky.edu
  Louisiana (1)
  Louisiana State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  Van L. Cox, FASLA, Interim Director
  Robert Rh School of Landscape Architecture
  Louisiana State University
  College of Design Building
  Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7020
  tel:(225) 578-1434
  email: vcox1@lsu.edu
  Maryland (2)
  Morgan State University
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2009/NR Spring 2015
  Paul Voos, ASLA, Acting Chair
  Graduate Program in Landscape Architecture
  Montebello Complex, D-103
  1700 E. Cold Spring Lane
  Baltimore, MD 21251
  tel:(443) 885-3225 (main office),(443) 885-1861(direct office)
  fax: (443) 885-8233
  email: paul.voos@morgan.edu
  University of Maryland
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  MLA Program (Candidacy)
  Dennis Nola, BLA Coordinator
  Jack Sullivan, FASLA, MLA Coordinator
  Landscape Architecture Program
  Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
  2146 Plant Sciences Building
  University of Maryland
  College Park, MD 20742
  tel:(301) 405-4350
  fax: (301) 314-9308
  email: dnola@umd.edu
  Massachusetts (3)
  Boston Architectural College
  BLA Program - Initial
  IR Fall 2010/NR Fall 2013
  Maria Bellalta, Head
  School of Landscape Architecture
  Boston Architectural College, Room 210
  320 Newbury Street
  Boston, MA 02115
  tel: 617-585-0157
  email: maria.bellalta@the-bac.edu
  Harvard University
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2015
  Professor Charles Waldheim, Affiliate ASLA, Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  Graduate School of Design
  Harvard University
  409 Gund Hall, 48 Quincy Street
  Cambridge, MA 02138
  tel:(617) 495-2573
  fax:(617) 495-5015
  tel:(617) 495-5453
  University of Massachusetts
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Fall 2010/NR Fall 2016
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2005/NR Fall 2011
  Prof. Elizabeth Brabec, ASLA, Department Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
  University of Massachusetts
  Hills North 109
  Amherst, MA 01003
  tel:(413) 545-2255
  email: ebrabec@larp.umass.edu
  Michigan (2)
  Michigan State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  Dr. Scott G. Witter, Director and Professor
  School of Planning, Design, and Construction
  Michigan State University
  101 Human Ecology
  East Lansing, MI 48824-1221
  tel:(517) 432-6379
  fax: (517) 432-8108
  email: Witter@msu.edu
  University of Michigan
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2008/NR Fall 2014
  Stanton Jones, Associate Professor
  Program Coordinator of Landscape Architecture
  School of Natural Resources and Environment
  University of Michigan
  3546 Dana Hall
  440 Church Street
  Ann Arbor, MI 48109
  tel:(734) 764-6529
  fax: (734) 936-2195
  email: stanj@umich.edu
  Minnesota (1)
  University of Minnesota
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  Lance Neckar, ASLA, Department Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  University of Minnesota
  89 Church Street, S.E., 144 Rapson Hall
  Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
  tel:(612) 625-6860
  fax: (612) 625-0710
  Mississippi (1)Mississippi State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  MLA Program - Initial
  IR Spring 2008/NR Spring 2014
  Sadik Artunc, FASLA, Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  Mississippi State University
  P.O. Box 9725
  Landscape Architecture Facility, Suite C100
  Mississippi State, MS 39762-9725
  tel:(662) 325-3012
  fax: (662) 325-7893
  email: sartunc@lalc.msstate.edu
  Nebraska (1)
  University of Nebraska
  BLA Program (Candidacy)
  Kim L. Wilson, ASLA, Professor and Director
  Landscape Architecture Program
  Room 302 Architecture Hall
  University of Nebraska
  Lincoln, NE 68588-0107
  Nevada (1)
  University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Fall 2009/NR Fall 2015
  Daniel Ortega, ASLA
  Associate Professor and Interim Program Coordinator
  Department of Landscape Architecture and Planning
  University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 45018
  Las Vegas, NV 89154
  tel:(702) 895-1902
  fax: (702) 895-1119
  email: dhortega@unlv.edu
  New Jersey (1)
  Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey
  BS Program
  BS: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  MLA - Candidacy
  Laura Lawson, Ph.D., Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey
  Blake Hall, Cook College
  93 Lipman Drive
  New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8524
  tel:(732) 932-9317
  fax: (732) 932-1940
  email: ljlawson@aesop.rutgers.edu
  New Mexico (1)
  University of New Mexico
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2009/NR Spring 2015
  Professor Alf Simon, PH.D., FCSLA, ASLA, Director
  Landscape Architecture Program
  School of Architecture and Planning
  2414 Central Avenue, SE
  MSC04 2530 1
  University of New Mexico
  Albuquerque, NM 87131-1226
  tel:(505) 277-4120
  fax:(505) 277-0897
  email: asimon@unm.edu
  New York (3)
  Cornell University
  BS Program
  LR Spring 2010/NR Spring 2016
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2008/NR Fall 2014
  Peter Trowbridge, FASLA, Chair
  Landscape Architecture Department
  Cornell University
  440 Kennedy Hall
  Ithaca, NY 14853
  tel:(607) 255-9552
  email: pjt4@cornell.edu
  State University of New York
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  Richard S. Hawks, FASLA, Chair
  Robin E. Hoffman, BLA Curriculum Director
  Emmanuel J. Carter, Jr., MLA Curriculum Director
  Faculty of Landscape Architecture
  State University of New York
  College of Environmental Science and Forestry
  1 Forestry Drive
  Syracuse, NY 13210-2787
  tel:(315) 470-6544
  tel:(315) 470 6600 BLA Admissions
  tel:(315) 470-6599 MLA Admissions
  The City College of New York
  MLA - Initial
  IR/Spring 2009 NR/Spring 2015
  Denise Hoffman Brandt, Associate Professor
  Director in Landscape Architecture
  Bernard & Anne Spitzer School of Architecture
  The City College of New York
  141 Convent Avenue, Room 3M 24A
  New York, NY 10031
  tel:(212) 650-8751
  email: dhoffman@ccny.cuny.edu
  North Carolina (2)
  North Carolina A&T State University
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Fall 2005/NR Fall 2011
  Perry Howard, FASLA, Coordinator
  Landscape Architecture Program
  231 Carver Hall
  North Carolina A&T State University
  Greensboro, NC 27411
  tel:(336) 334-7520
  fax: (336)334-7844
  email: howardp@ncat.edu
  North Carolina State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2009/NR Spring 2015
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2010/NR Spring 2016
  Gene Bressler, ASLA, Department Chair
  Landscape Architecture Department
  College of Design
  North Carolina State University
  P.O. Box 7701
  Raleigh, NC 27695-7701
  tel:(919) 515-8340
  email: gene_bressler@ncsu.edu
  North Dakota (1)
  North Dakota State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Fall 2004/NR Fall 2010
  Mark Lindquist, ASLA, Coordinator
  Department of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
  North Dakota State University
  P.O. Box 5285 S.U.Station
  Fargo, ND 58105-5285
  tel:(701) 231-7388
  fax: (701) 231-7342
  email: mark.lindquist@ndsu.edu
  Ohio (1)
  Ohio State University
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2010/NR Spring 2016
  Professor Rob Livesey,Interim Section Head
  Section of Landscape Architecture
  Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture
  Ohio State University
  275 West Woodruff Avenue
  Columbus, OH 43210-1138
  tel:(614) 292-8322
  fax: (614) 292-7106
  email: livesey.1@osu.edu
  Oklahoma (2)
  Oklahoma State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2009/NR Spring 2015
  Paul Hsu, Program Director
  Landscape Architecture Program - 360 AGH
  Oklahoma State University
  Stillwater, OK 74078-6027
  email: paul.hsu@okstate.edu
  University of Oklahoma
  MLA program
  MLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  Dr. Thomas Woodfin, ASLA, Director
  Landscape Architecture Program
  Gould Hall, Room 162
  University of Oklahoma
  Norman, OK 73019-0265
  tel: 405-325-3866
  fax: (405)325-5956
  email: twoodfin@ou.edu
  Oregon (1)
  University of Oregon
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  Professor Elisabeth "Liska" Chan, Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  School of Architecture and Allied Arts
  5234 University of Oregon
  Eugene, OR 97403-5234
  tel:(541) 346-3634
  fax: (541) 346-3626
  email: chan@uoregon.edu
  Pennsylvania (5)
  Chatham University
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2010 NR Spring 2016
  Safei-Eldin A. Hamed, Ph.D, ASLA, Director
  Landscape Architecture/Landscape Studies Program
  Chatham University
  Woodland Road
  Pittsburgh, PA 15232
  tel: 412-365-1899
  fax: 412-365-2984
  email: SHamed@chatham.edu
  Pennsylvania State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  MLA Candidacy
  Ron Henderson, ASLA,Professor and Department Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  Pennsylvania State University
  121 Stuckeman Family Building
  University Park, PA 16802 -1912
  tel:(814) 865-9511
  fax: (814) 863-8137
  email: reh29@psu.edu
  Philadelphia University
  BLA Program - Initial
  BLA: LR Fall 2008/NR Fall 2014
  Claudia Goetz Phillips, Ph.D., ASLA
  Associate Professor and Director
  Landscape Architecture Program
  School of Architecture
  Philadelphia University
  Smith House
  Philadelphia, PA 19144
  tel: 215.951.5653
  fax: 215.951.2110
  email: phillipsc@PhilaU.edu
  Temple University
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Spring 2010/NR Spring 2016
  Mary Myers, Ph.D., ASLA, Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture
  Temple University
  580 Meetinghouse Road
  Ambler, PA 19002-3999
  tel:(267) 468-8181
  fax: (267) 468-8188
  email: mary.myers@temple.edu
  University of Pennsylvania
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2010/NR Fall 2016
  James Corner, ASLA, Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  School of Design
  University of Pennsylvania
  119 Meyerson Hall, 210 South 34th Street
  Philadelphia, PA 19104-6311
  tel:(215) 898-6591
  fax: (215) 573-3770
  email: stephkao@design.upenn.edu
  Rhode Island (2)
  Rhode Island School of Design
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2009/NR Fall 2015
  Scheri Fultineer, Interim Department Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  Rhode Island School of Design
  231 South Main Street
  Providence, RI 02903
  tel:(401) 454-6286
  fax:(401) 454-6299
  email: sfultine@risd.edu
  University of Rhode Island
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Fall 2009/NR Fall 2015
  Professor Will Green, ASLA, Director
  University of Rhode Island
  Landscape Architecture Program
  Rodman Hall, RM 201
  94 West Alumni Avenue
  Kingston, RI 02881
  tel:(401) 874-2142
  email: wagre@uri.edu
  South Carolina (1)
  Clemson University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Fall 2007/NR Fall 2013
  MLA Program - Initial
  MLA: IR Fall 2009/NR Fall 2015
  Tom Schurch, Ph.D., ASLA, AICP
  Professor and Chair
  Dept. of Planning and Landscape Architecture
  163 Lee Hall, P.O. Box 340511
  College of Architecture, Arts and Humanities
  Clemson University
  Clemson, SC 29634-0511
  tel:(864) 656-3925
  fax: (864) 656-7519
  tel:(864) 656-7349 (Director)
  email: tschurch@clemson.edu
  Texas (4)
  Texas A&M University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2009/NR Spring 2015
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  Dr. Forster Ndubisi, ASLA, Department Head
  Dr. Chang-Shan Huang, ASLA, Associate Department Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning
  College of Architecture
  3112 Langford Architecture Center
  Texas A & M University
  College Station, TX 77843-3137
  tel:(979) 845-1019
  fax:(979) 862-1784
  Texas Tech University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2006/NR Spring 2012
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2009/NR Fall 2015
  Dr. Alon Kvashny, FASLA, Chairperson
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
  Texas Tech University
  Box 42121
  Lubbock, TX 79409-2121
  tel:(806) 742-2858
  fax:(806) 742-0770
  The University of Texas, Arlington
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Fall 2005/NR Fall 2011
  Pat D. Taylor, ASLA, Director
  P.O. Box 19108
  The University of Texas at Arlington
  Arlington, TX 76019-0108
  tel:(817) 272-2801
  fax:(817) 272-5098
  Ms. Ana Maria Peredo-Manor
  email: ampmanor@uta.edu
  The University of Texas, Austin
  MLA Program - Initial
  MLA: IR Fall 2006/NR Fall 2012
  Dean Almy, Director
  Graduate Program in Landscape Architecture
  The University of Texas at Austin
  School of Architecture, 1 University Station B7500
  Austin, TX 78712-0222
  tel: 512-471-1922
  fax: 512-471-0716
  email: dja3@mail.utexas.edu
  Utah (1)
  Utah State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  Dr. Sean Michael Dept. Head
  Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
  College of Agriculture
  Utah State University
  Logan, UT 84322-4005
  tel:(435) 797-0500
  fax: (435) 797-0503
  email: laepinfo@usu.edu
  Kathy Allen, Program Assistant
  Virginia (2)
  University of Virginia
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2005/NR Spring 2011
  Nancy Takahashi, Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  University of Virginia
  School of Architecture
  Campbell Hall
  P.O. Box 400122
  Charlottesville, VA 22904-4122
  email: takahashi@virginia.edu
  Carolyn Esau, Program Assistant
  tel: (434) 924-3285
  fax: (434) 982-2678
  email: cre8s@virginia.edu
  Erica Spangler, Graduate Admissions Director
  tel:(434) 924-6442
  email: ejs5r@virginia.edu
  Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Fall 2008/NR Fall 2014
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2007/NR Spring 2013
  Brian Katen, ASLA, Chair
  Landscape Architecture Program
  School of Architecture + Design
  121 Burruss Hall - 0190
  Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  Blacksburg, VA 24061
  tel:(540) 231-5583
  fax: (540) 231-9877
  email: bkaten@vt.edu
  Washington (2)
  University of Washington
  BLA Program
  BLA: LR Fall 2007/NR Fall 2013
  MLA Program
  MLA: LR Spring 2010/NR Spring 2016
  Jf Hou, Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  College of Architecture and Urban Planning
  University of Washington
  348 Gould Hall, Box 355734
  Seattle, WA 98195-5734
  tel:(206) 543-9240
  fax:(206) 685-4486
  email: jhou@u.washington.edu
  Washington State University
  BLA Program - Provisional
  BLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2013
  Jolie B. Kaytes, Program Coordinator
  Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
  College of Agriculture and Home Economics
  Washington State University
  Johnson Hall 149
  Pullman, WA 99164-6414
  tel:(509) 335-9502
  fax:(509) 335-8690
  West Virginia (1)
  West Virginia University
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Spring 2011/NR Spring 2017
  Associate Professor Charles B. Yuill, Chair
  Landscape Architecture Program
  Division of Resource Management
  Davis College of Agriculture; Forestry and Consumer Sciences
  West Virginia University
  P.O. Box 6108
  1142 Agricultural Science Building
  Morgantown, WV 26506-6108
  tel:(304) 293-4832 ext. 4493
  fax:(304) 293-3752
  Wisconsin (1)
  University of Wisconsin, Madison
  BSLA Program
  BSLA: LR Fall 2007/NR Fall 2013
  Dr. Evelyn Howell, Affiliate ASLA, Department Chair
  Department of Landscape Architecture
  School of Natural Resources
  College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
  University of Wisconsin - Madison
  Room 1, Agricultural Hall
  1450 Linden Drive
  Madison, WI 53706
  tel:(608) 263-7300
  fax:(608) 265-6262
  联系方式:澳际出国留学•内蒙留学 0471-3330881
  本文作者:澳际内蒙留学顾问 张一鸣老师老师


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