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   新加坡国立大学成立于1905年,为亚洲首屈一指的高等学府。其教职人员均毕业于世界着名的高等学府(主要是欧美名校),保障了教学内容的国际化和教学品质的卓越性。强大的教师队伍使大学在国际上得到了普遍的认同和赞誉。除了高水准的教学,新加坡国立大学还取得了在研究领域的领先地位。作为本土和外来学者的研究中心,新加坡国立大学为各个领域的专才提供了最先进、方便的研究设施和条件。相信您能从下列专业中找到适合自己的发展方向。    计算机学院 School of Computing    M.Sc.Computing (with the following specialisations)    -Computer Science    -Infocomm Security    -Information Technology Project Management    工程学院 Faculty of Engineering    M.Sc.Chemical Engineering    M.Sc.Civil Engineering (with the following specialisations)    -Structural Engineering    -Geotechnical Engineering    -Offshore Engineering    -Infrastructure Project Management    M.Sc.Electrical Engineering    -Automation and Control Engineering    -Communications Engineering    -Computer Engineering    -Microelectronics    M.Sc.Environmental Engineering    M.Sc.Geotechnical Engineering (仅8月入学)    M.Sc.Industrial & Systems Engineering (with the following specialisations)    -Logistics and Operations Research    -Project Management    M.Sc.Intellectual Property Management (仅8月入学) #    M.Sc.Management of Technology (仅8月入学)    M.Sc.Materials Science & Engineering    M.Sc.Mechanical Engineering    -Computation & Modelling    -Manufacturing Technology & Automation    -Offshore Oil & Gas Technology    M.Sc.Mechatronics (仅8月入学)    M.Sc.Safety, Health and Environmental Technology    M.Sc.Systems Design and Management (仅8月入学)    M.Sc.Transportation Systems & Management    -without specialization, or    -with specialization in Logistics and Distribution Management    理学院 Faculty of Science    M.Sc.Mathematics    M.Sc.Physics    M.Sc.Applied Physics    M.Sc.Chemistry    M.Sc.Statistics    M.Sc.Financial Engineering (学费26000新币)    M.Sc.Science Communication (国大与澳大利亚国立大学合办,学费25000新币)    M.Sc.Quantitative Finance (学费22000新币)    环境与设计学院 School of Design & Environment    Master of Architecture (仅8月入学)    M.A.Urban Design (仅8月入学)    Master of Landscape Architecture    M.Sc.Building Science    M.Sc.Project Management    M.Sc.Real Estate    M.Sc.Environmental Management    M.Sc.Architecture    M.Sc.Industrial Design    M.Sc.Building    人文社科学院 Faculty of Arts and Social Science (全部专业8月入学)    M.A.Chinese Studies    M.A.English Studies    M.A.Language Studies    M.A.Literary Studies    M.A.Southeast Asian Studies    M.A.Social Sciences (with the following specialisations)    -Applied Economics    -Applied Sociology    -Economics    -International Studies    -Social Work立即咨询
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