


2013/02/21 13:36:43 编辑: 英国 浏览次数:439 移动端

  英国布鲁内尔大学(Brunel University)是1960年罗宾报告(Robbins Report)后的扩建大学之一,被称为plate glass university,Plateglass Universities一词是为了与传统英国古老及历史悠久大学相区别而引用的新词,一般适用于六十年代的新建大学,plateglass里著名的大学如 Sussex, York, Brunel,East Anglia, Essex, Lancaster, Kent at Canterbury and Warwick. Brunel一词来源于英国历史上最著名的工程师Isambard Kingdom Brunel,这也奠定了Brunel大学在全英国工程类专业里出类拔萃的地位。


  New Courses for September 2013

  The Graduate School

  MSc Engineering Systems and Business Administration (Product Design and Manufacturing)

  MSc Engineering Systems (Product Design and Manufacture) and MBA

  MSc Engineering Systems (Product Design and Manufacturing) and MSc Business Management

  Institute for the Environment (IfE)

  MSc in Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation

  MSc in Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Innovation (with Professional Development)

  School of Social Sciences

  MSc Banking and Finance (suitable for graduates who wish to do a finance masters but do not have their first degree in Economics or a subject area with a high mathematical content. We welcome applications from Business Management/Business Administration/Business Studies students)

  MSc Psychological Sciences (from September 2014)

  Brunel Business School

  MSc Accounting and Business Management

  MSc Business Intelligence and Social Media

  Brunel Law School

  LLB with Criminal Justice

  LLB with Criminal Justice (Professional Placement)

  LLB with International Arbitration and Commercial Law

  LLB with International Arbitration and Commercial Law (Professional Placement)

  School of Engineering and Design

  MSc Structural Integrity

  School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics

  MSc Financial Mathematics

  School of Sport and Education

  PG Cert Secondary Education (Computer Science and Information and Communications Technology) with Recommendation for Qualified Teaching Status


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