


2017/04/07 09:57:34 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:194 移动端


    出席学院活动     出席所有大学事件是强制性的全日制学生。这些事件包括教堂,会的,天祈祷,崇拜/清洁学期结束,院长小时,FE报告时间和牧灵团体。兼职学生免于定期教堂的日子中,他们有没有类。     没有这样的大学活动的权限,必须寻求从院长的学生或相关学院负责。没有形式应该完成,并提请院长学生办公室。     学生应寻求事件之前缺席的许可。急病或家人去世,没有事先通知可能的危机。在这种情况下,学生应寻求学生院长和教务长尽快联系。     课堂出席     出席的所有类是强制性的,允许学生参加在预定的学习内容,老师和同学的互动。     类缺勤     缺席允许任何课程的最大数量是10%的课堂。提醒外国学生将不被续约,他们的学生证,移民与关卡局,如果低于90%达到上课。     失踪未经事先许可,正当理由支持一个给定的课程10%以上的课堂,会导致在使用过程中的失败。     如果在给定的课程超过10%的课堂情有可原的原因错过了,当然被视为撤回。当然,在这种情况下,提款将被永久记录在学生的“W”表示。一个“W”的价值为零,因此不计算在学生的GPA。     如果课程是必修课程,学生必须夺回被丢弃的过程。如果下降的课程是选修课,学生可以采取另一种过程,而不是重复的过程。     缺课的权限     缺课的权限,必须获得讲师。可免于一类,学生必须填写“缺位类”的申请表格通知预计缺席讲师,并提供缺勤原因。得到许可后,将填妥的表格须提请教务长的办公室,并记录在学生的档案中。     缺席的权限应在上课前完成。生病或死亡的家庭,没有事先通知可能的危机。在这种情况下,学生应寻求讲师和教务长的办公室尽快联系。上面所述的过程仍然应当尽早。医疗证书必须陪医疗相关的缺席。     学生不应该假定许可后缺席。旅行安排和其他承诺,不应该得到许可后进行,直至。     无故缺席     缺席不支持的正当理由或不伴有类“申请表”缺位被视为无故缺席。每无故缺席将收取一三年级罚款的课程就读。一个“B +”级将因此被标记为“B”,如果学生缺席不寻求许可缺席一次。无故缺席包括缺少的类由于睡觉和工作分配。     有关迟到     上课迟到     持久迟到类是无法容忍的行为。到达超过10分钟,从一开始的类会被记录下来,构成缺席三个迟到。提醒学生无故缺席将导致超过10%的一类课程重复。     迟交作业     分配所有课程工作的最后期限,由教师提供课程教学大纲。     所有要求延期,必须提前到各自的讲师使用“延长作业期限”参展申请表,然后将其发送到最终批准的教务长。 请求的最后期限之日或之后将不受理。     权限只授医疗紧急情况的原因,个人危机或紧急的家庭需要扩展注意事项。它不授予时间管理不善的原因。根据具体情况,有可能是延长的最长期限为1个月。     所有迟交的作业,恕不另行权限,下调一个三年级每迟一天罚款。A“B +”转让将因此被标记为“B”,如果是晚一天和“D”,如果是6天已晚。     Attendance And Absences     Attendance at College Events     Attendance at all college events is mandatory for full-time students. Such events include chapels, convocations, prayer days, end of semester worship/cleaning, Dean’s hour, F.E. report hours and pastoral care groups. Part-time students are excused from regular chapels on days in which they have no classes.     Permission for absence from such college activities must be sought from the Dean of Students or the relevant faculty in charge. An absence form should be completed and brought to the Dean of Students’ Office.     Students should seek permission for absence prior to the event. Sudden illness or death in the family are crises for which no prior notification is possible. In such cases, students should seek to contact both the Dean of Students and the Academic Dean as soon as possible.     Class Attendance     Attendance of all classes is mandatory and allows students to participate in the scheduled learning interactions with content, teachers and fellow students.     Absences from Class     The maximum number of absences allowed for any course is 10% of the class sessions. Foreign students are reminded that their Student Passes will not be renewed by the Immigrations and Checkpoints Authority if less than 90% class attendance is attained.     Missing more than 10% of the class sessions in a given course without prior permission supported by valid reasons will result in a failure in the course.     If more than 10% of the class sessions in a given course are missed for excusable reasons, the course is considered withdrawn. Course withdrawals under such circumstances will be indicated by a “W” in the student’s permanent record. A “W” has zero value and is thus not computed in the student’s GPA.     If the course is a mandatory course, the student must retake the dropped course. If the dropped course is an elective course, the student may take another course instead of repeating the course.     Permission for Absence from Class     Permission for absence from class must be obtained from the lecturer. To be excused from a class, a student must fill out the "Absence from Class" application form to notify the lecturer of the projected absence and to provide reasons for absence. After permission is obtained, the completed form will need to be brought to the Academic Dean’s Office and recorded in the Student’s file.     Permission for absence should be done bore the class. Illness or deaths in the family are crises for which no prior notification is possible. In such cases, students should seek to contact both the lecturer and the Academic Dean’s Office as soon as possible. The procedure outlined above should still be followed at the earliest opportunity. A medical certificate must accompany medical-related absences.     Students should not presume upon permission for absence. Travel arrangements and other commitments should not to be made until after permission is obtained.     Unexcused Absences     Absences which are not supported by valid reasons or which are not accompanied by the "Absence from Class" application form are deemed as unexcused absences. Every unexcused absence will incur a one-third grade penalty for the course enrolled in. A “B+” grade will thus be marked down to “B” if the student is absent once without seeking permission for absence. Unexcused absences include missing class due to sleeping in and working on assignments.     About Lateness     Late for Class     Persistent lateness for class is not tolerated behaviour. Arrival beyond ten minutes from the start of the class will be recorded, with three late arrivals constituting an absence. Students are reminded that unexcused absences beyond ten percent of a class will result in a repeat of the course.     Late Submission of Assignments     Assignment deadlines for all course work are found in the course syllabus provided by the faculty.     All requests for extensions must be made in advance to the respective lecturer using the "Extension of Assignment Deadline" application form that is then sent to the Academic Dean for final approval. Requests will not be entertained on or after the day of the deadline.     Permission is granted only for reasons of medical emergencies, personal crises, or urgent family matters in need of extended attention. It is not granted for reasons of poor time management. Depending on the circumstances, there may be an extension up to the maximum period of one month.     All late assignments, without prior permissions, are marked down by a one-third grade penalty for every day late. A “B+” assignment will thus be marked “B” if it is one day late and “D” if it is six days late.     以上就是小编为您带来的新加坡留学神学院出勤率的相关信息,希望对您有所帮助。立即咨询
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