


2017/04/07 09:57:34 编辑: 美国 浏览次数:97 移动端


    中国浙江工业大学,浙江大学(有时简称为浙江浙大网新,浙大)是一所国立大学在1897年新中国成立。浙江大学是中国历史最悠久,最负盛名的高等教育机构之一。大学的C9联盟(九中国顶尖大学协会)的九名成员之一。基于对新浪2009年排名中,浙江大学排名第三位的顶尖大学在中国与管理,工程,科学,文学,经济学和法学的优势。     新加坡留学SUTD和浙江大学于2010年8月签署了一份合作协议,合作的领域,如教育,科研,学生交流和联合本科设计比赛。     一)教育     首先,浙江大学将开发SUTD 5选修的课程,从而进入我们的教育注入中国的文化,礼仪,历史和未来的元素,在SUTD。这些选修课程由浙江大学的教授授课,使学生获得SUTD的地方浓郁的中国文化和历史的第一手知识。     二)学生交流     SUTD将通过此次合作,学生跨文化互动的机会,通过参与与浙江大学学生的交流中,学生们可以选修课程在浙江大学或SUTD和浙江大学的安排下,在中国杭州,参加实习的机会。学生也将是能够进行互动,通过每年一次的研讨会。通过这样的交流,学生可以与他们的中国同行建立网络,轮流举办其在新加坡的朋友,当他们参观SUTD交流。     三)联合学生设计竞赛     学生还可以参加联合设计比赛举行,在年度基础上,要么SUTD,浙江大学或合作大学。这些设计比赛,让学生在设计自己的理论知识应用到实践,深入了解和交流知识和经验,学会在团队中工作,并与朋友在浙大培养良好的人际关系和网络。我们希望,这样的比赛将提供一个良好的平台,点燃,培养学生设计的兴趣,并最终应用设计到他们的日常生活中,解决现实世界中的挑战。     四)研究合作     作为一个研究型大学,SUTD的一个关键重点是要着手研究致力于创建有用的创新,可以采用由世界。SUTD和浙江大学的学院成员将共同分享在解决激动人心的挑战,当今世界,如(但不限于)医疗保健,交通运输,清洁能源与环境领域的研究合作。这两个机构的智慧的头脑可以通过这样的合作,共同推进带动下现实世界的挑战,以确保创建创新会发现相关性和通过社会的研究边界和国界。     ZJU Collaboration with SUTD     At SUTD, we hope to harness the best practices and values of the East and the West into our system, and offer the best to our students through our unique curriculum and interdisciplinary approach towards research. MIT and the Zhejiang University of China are important partners of SUTD in realizing this goal.     The Zhejiang University of China, 浙江大学 (sometimes rerred to as Zheda, 浙大) is a national university of China founded in 1897. Zhejiang University is one of China’s oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education. The university is one of the nine members of the C9 league (association of nine top Chinese universities). Based on Sina Ranking 2009, ZJU was ranked 3rd among the top universities in China with strengths in Management, Engineering, Science, Literature, Economics and Law.     SUTD and ZJU signed a Collaboration Agreement in August 2010 to collaborate in areas such as education, research, student exchanges and joint undergraduate design competitions.     a)Education     First and foremost, ZJU will develop the curriculum of 5 electives for SUTD, thereby infusing the elements of Chinese culture, etiquette, history and perspective into our education at SUTD. Courses of these electives will be taught by Professors of ZJU, enabling students to gain first-hand knowledge of the rich Chinese culture and history in SUTD’s premises.     b)Student Exchanges     Through this collaboration, students from SUTD will have the opportunity to interact cross-culturally through participation in student exchanges with ZJU, and students can take up courses in ZJU or participate in internship opportunities in Hangzhou, China, under the arrangement of SUTD and ZJU. Students will also be able to interact through an annual symposium. Through such exchanges, students could establish networks with their Chinese counterparts, and take turns to host their friends in Singapore when they visit SUTD on exchanges.     c)Joint Student Design Competitions     Students can also participate in Joint Design Competitions, held on an annual basis, in either SUTD, ZJU or a partnering University. These Design Competitions allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge in design to practice, gain insights and exchanges of knowledge and experiences, learn to work in teams and foster good relationships and networks with friends in ZJU. Hopully, such competitions would provide a good platform to ignite and cultivate the interest of students in design, and eventually apply design into their daily life to solve real world challenges.     d)Research Collaborations     Being a research-intensive university, one of SUTD’s key focuses is to embark on research endeavours to create usul innovations that can be adopted by the world at large. SUTD and ZJU Faculty members will jointly partake in research collaborations to address exciting challenges associated with the world today, in areas such as (but not limited to) Healthcare, Transportation, Clean Energy and Environment. Through such collaborations, the intellectual minds of both institutions can jointly advance research boundaries and frontiers driven by real-world challenges to ensure that innovations created would find relevance and adoption by the society.     以上就是小编为您带来的新加坡留学SUTD与浙江大学合作方案的相关信息,希望对您有所帮助。立即咨询
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