您所在的位置: 首页> 新闻列表> 英国牛津大学商学院申请指南
之前有客户询问过牛津大学商学院申请事宜。由于是世界top5的学校,所以各方面的要求都比较高,以下申请条件和流程 供大家参考。如果您需要了解详情,请电话和我联系 0551-62835500找冯老师
1. 申请牛津大学,除了需要获得所在专业的录取外,还需要同时获得college membership. http://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/collegesbrochure/dault.htm,可以选择两个进行申请
2. 申请牛津大学的条件
1) Good undergraduate degree
As guidance, a 2.1 degree (GPA 3.5 or its equivalent).
2) GRE or GMAT score ,成绩需从考试中心直接邮寄给牛津
As guidance, we expect the average scores to be around the 90th percentile on the quantitative tests and around the 80th percentile for the verbal tests. Regarding the GRE analytical writing test, we would expect most candidates to achieve a score of at least 5. Information on the GMAT and GRE is available from www.gmac.com and www.gre.org respectively.
The institution code for ordering your official GRE score sheet from ETS is 0807. There is no department code, this can be lt blank. The code for ordering your official GMAT score sheet from Pearson is Q0G-4B-54.
GRE and GMAT scores will not be valid if they are more than five years old on the application deadline for the stage in which you are applying.
3) International English Language Test Scheme (IELTS)
4) University academic transcripts
5) Two rerences, professional or academic
6) A 1,000 word personal statement (title on application form) 申请牛津的时候需要提供的ps主要是关于未来的,题目如下:How do you hope to see your career developing over the next five years? How will the MSc in Financial Economics assist you in the development of these ambitions? Maximum 1,000 words
3. 护照信息(护照号,护照签发日期,护照有效期),没有护照信息不能提交申请
4. 回答关于工作单位和工作性质的如下问题:
1)Employment Sector: Investment Banking 还是Other Financial Services?
2)Number of employees:
3)Annual Turnover:
4)Starting Gross Annual Salary:
5)Current Gross Annual Salary:
6)Main responsibilities: Please provide a description of your job to include the nature of work undertaken, your responsibilities, size of budget and the number of employees under your supervision, details of any clients and/or products and results attained. (maximum 5000 characters)
7)Reason for taking this position:
8)Reason for leaving this position:
9)What are your post-degree career goals? 主要可选的包括:在现有的单位或行业进一步提升;start new business venture or develop existing business; start a social enterprise or develop existing social enterprise; career change into finance; career change into consultancy; career change into general management; career change into sales & marketing; career change into non-profit (private sector exc. social exterprise); undicided; other-需明确
10)Where do you intend to live and work after your degree? Asia? UK? Europe?
11) your hobbies, interests, and achievements and any clubs or societies of which you are currently a member.
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲