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  伦斯勒理工学院(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute?,简称RPI?),位于美国纽约州首府奥尔巴尼附近的特洛伊,由哈佛大学的毕业生斯蒂芬·万·伦斯勒先生于1824年创办,是美国最早的工科大学。二战期间该校是美国军队的重要研究和教育机构。伦斯勒理工学院是一所私立的理工科大学。学院有本科生5164名。其中亚裔占12%,国际生占4%。伦斯勒理工学院对申请学生的数理化学习成绩,相对而言,要求非常严格.伦斯勒理工学院地处纽约州的特洛伊(Troy)市。特洛伊在美国东北部,距离纽约166英里。

  伦斯勒理工学院是北美大陆上第一所授予学位的技术研究大学。二战期间该校是美国军队的重要研究和教育机构,伦斯勒理工学院建于1824年。伦斯勒理工学院的理念是让学生应用科学于日常生活之中。伦斯勒理工学院提供100多个学习项目,1000多个课程,从本科生、到研究生、直至博士学位。在伦斯勒理工学院本科生可以学习建筑、工程、人文与社会科学、管理与技术、科学、信息工程。伦斯勒理工学院是教学与科研相结合的先驱,提供实际的动手机会。学生可以在实验室和教室参加讨论、解决问题及得到教师的辅导。由于RPI对美国航天事业的贡献,他的校旗是美国国旗之外唯一被置放在月球上的旗帜,RPI与许多美国著名的公司如通用电气,GM,LUCENT,IBM,MOTORALA等有着广泛的联系,PRI既向这些公司输送大批高质量的毕业生,又从这些公司获得多方面的支持和资助。尽管RPI在美国属于规模较小的大学,但其雄厚的师资,先进的教学设备和注重理论和实际结合的严谨学风,一直在美国的教育界,学术界和工程技术界享有盛名。 RPI的著名校友包括:首次把人类送上月球的阿波罗11计划的总指挥,美国国家宇航局的George low,现代电视之父 Dr.AllenB.Dumont和网络上电子邮件的发明者Raymond Tomlinson,是他用@符号定义了电子邮件地址。


  由于RPI对美国航天事业的贡献,她的校旗是美国国旗之外唯一被置放在月球上的旗帜。RPI与许多美国著名的公司,如通用电气,GM, Lucent, IBM,AT&T,MOTOROLA等有着广泛的联系。RPI既向这些公司输送大批高质量的毕业生,又从这些公司获得多方面的支持和资助。故而 RPI拥有美国高校中的第一个高科技公司孵化中心。尽管RPI只有四千名本科生和两千名研究生,在美国属于规模较小的大学,但RPI以其雄厚的师资,先进的教学设施和注重理论与实际结合的严谨学风,一直在美国的教育界,学术界和工程技术界享有盛名。








  RPI的著名校友包括:首次把人类送上月球的阿波罗11计划(见阿波罗计划)的总指挥、美国国家宇航局的George Low,现代电视之父Dr. Allen B. Dumont (1924),微处理器之父Marcian E. Hoff (1958),网络上电子邮件的发明者Raymond Tomlinson, 是他用@符号定义了电子邮件地址。


  School Type

  Independent, Coed


  Suburban 284-acre campus with easy access to Albany

  Degrees Offered

  Bachelor“s, Master‘s, and Doctoral

  Comprehensive Costs

  $50,310 includes full-time tuition ($38,100), mandatory fees ($1065), and room and board ($11,145). Part-time tuition: $1155 per credit hour

  (Cost includes full-time tuition plus additional fees such as room and board and mandatory fees)

  Entrance Difficulty

  Very difficult , 44% of applicants were admitted



  Admission: 11,249 applied; 4,962 admitted; 1,356 enrolled

  Test Scores

  sat critical reading scores over 500 98%

  SAT math scores over 500 100%

  SAT writing scores over 500 98%

  ACT scores over 18 99%

  SAT critical reading scores over 600 77%

  SAT math scores over 600 96%

  SAT writing scores over 600 69%

  ACT scores over 24 82%

  SAT critical reading scores over 700 23%

  SAT math scores over 700 52%

  SAT writing scores over 700 17%

  ACT scores over 30 23%


  Options: electronic application, early admission, early decision, derred entrance

  Application fee: $70

  Required: essay or personal statement, high school transcript, 1 letter of recommendation

  Required for some: interview, portfolio for Electronic Arts is required; portfolio for Architecture highly recommended

  Application deadline: 1/15 (freshmen)

  Early decision: 11/1 (for plan 1), 12/15 (for plan 2)

  Notification: 3/14 (freshmen), 12/5 (early decision plan 1), 1/16 (early decision plan 2), continuous (transfers)

  Cost and Financial Aid

  Costs (2009-10)

  Comprehensive Costs: $50,310 includes full-time tuition ($38,100), mandatory fees ($1065), and room and board ($11,145). Part-time tuition: $1155 per credit hour

  Room and board: College room only: $6300. Room and board charges vary according to board plan and location

  Payment plan: Installment

  Waivers: Employees or children of employees

  Financial Aid

  Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2008, 3,934 applied for aid, 3,445 were judged to have need, 1,710 had their need fully met. 1,012 Federal Work-Study jobs (averaging $2030)

  In 2008, 1579 non-need-based awards were made

  Average percent of need met: 75%

  Average financial aid package: $30,635

  Average need-based loan: $6644

  Average need-based gift aid: $21,503

  Average non-need-based aid: $14,530

  Average indebtedness upon graduation: $30,375

  Student Body

  Undergraduate Student Population

  5,394 undergraduate students, 28% women, 72% men, 2% transferred in, 4% African American, 11% Asian American or Pacific Islander, 6% Hispanic American, 0.5% Native American

  International Population

  2% representing 34 other countries

  Housing Info

  53% live on campus

  Campus Life

  Housing: On-campus residence required for freshman year

  Options: Coed, disabled students, Campus housing is university owned. Freshman campus housing is guaranteed

  Activities: Drama/theater group, student-run newspaper, radio and television station, choral group, Red Army Spirit Club, Outing Club, Indian Student Association, Chinese American Student Association, Pep Band, national fraternities, national sororities

  Most popular organizations: Red Army Spirit Club, Outing Club, Indian Student Association, Chinese American Student Association, Pep Band

  Campus security: 24-hour emergency response devices and patrols, late-night transport/escort service, controlled dormitory access, campus foot patrols at night

  Student services: Health clinic, personal/psychological counseling, women’s center, legal services

  Academic Programs

  Special study options: Accelerated degree program, adult/continuing education programs, advanced placement credit, cooperative education, distance learning, double majors, English as a second language, honors programs, independent study, internships, off-campus study, part-time degree program, services for LD students, student-designed majors, study abroad, summer session for credit

  ROTC: Army (c), Navy (b), Air Force (b)

  Unusual degree programs: 3-2 engineering

  School Calendar: Semesters


  Total: 496

  Full-time: 81% full-time

  Student/faculty ratio: 14:1


  Member: NCAA, Division: All Division III, except: Men‘s and women’s ice hockey (Division I)

  Scholarship sports

  Ice hockey

  Intramural sports

  Badminton M/W, basketball M/W, bowling M/W, cheerleading M/W, football M/W, golf M/W, ice hockey M/W, soccer M/W, softball M/W, swimming and diving M/W, table tennis M/W, tennis M/W, track and field M/W, ultimate Frisbee M/W, volleyball M/W, water polo M/W, wrestling M

  Intercollegiate sports

  Archery M(c)/W(c), badminton M(c)/W(c), baseball M, basketball M/W, cheerleading M(c)/W(c), crew M(c)/W(c), cross-country running M/W, equestrian sports M(c)/W(c), fencing M(c)/W(c), field hockey W, football M, golf M, gymnastics M(c)/W(c), ice hockey M(s)/W(s), lacrosse M/W, racquetball M(c)/W(c), riflery M(c)/W(c), rugby M(c)/W(c), sailing M(c)/W(c), skiing (cross-country) M(c)/W(c), skiing (downhill) M(c)/W(c), soccer M/W, softball W, squash M(c)/W(c), swimming and diving M/W, table tennis M(c)/W(c), tennis M/W, track and field M/W, volleyball M(c)/W, water polo M(c)/W(c), weight lifting M(c)/W(c)

  School Facilities


  Main Library Name: Folsom Library

  Other Library: 1

  Collection: 309,171 titles; 10,210 serial subscriptions;

  Endowment: $793.3 million

  Contact Info

  Mr. James Nondorf, Vice President for Enrollment

  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

  110 8th Street

  Troy, NY 12180

  Phone: 518-276-6216

  Toll-free: 800-448-6562

  Fax: 518-276-4072

  Non US Students


  For fall 2008: 1043 international students applied, 226 were accepted, 35 enrolled. Students can start in fall, spring, or summer.


  Required: SAT or ACT, TOEFL (minimum score: iBT 88; paper-based 570). Recommended: SAT Subject Tests. TOEFL can be waived under certain conditions.

  Application Deadline

  1/15. Transfers accepted from institutions abroad.

  Financial Aid

  Non-need financial aid available. For fall 2008 (estimated), 58 international students on campus received college administered financial aid ($26,481 average).


  Available during summer.


  International student adviser on campus. ESL program at cooperating institution. ESL program available during the academic year and the summer. Internships and employment opportunities (on-campus and off-campus) available.


  工学 IT及计算机


  本科专业:交通、公路工程,社会科学,科学技术与社会科学,心理学,医学预科,法律预科,物理学,哲学,运筹学,核工程,多学科研究,机械工程,数学,材料工程,制造工程,人文研究,地质学,环境卫生工程,工程及相关,工程,工程物理学,电器、电子、通讯,经济学,计算机信息科学,计算机工程技,视觉和表演艺术相关,交通,公路,通讯研究,土木工程,化学,化工,工商管理,生物医学工程,生物学,生物与物理学,航空航天工程 硕士专业:工程,社会科学,心理学,物理学,哲学,运筹学,核工程,机械工程,数学,材料工程,制造工程,人文研究,地质学,环境卫生工程,环境科学,工程与相关,工程物理学,工程力学经济学,计算机信息科学,计算机工程技术,通讯研究,土木工程,化学,化工,商业、市场相关支持服务,工商管理,生物医学工程,生物医学技术,生物学,天文学,建筑及相关,建筑学,应用数学,航天航空工程


  1、年龄:16-25岁; 2、学历:高中或同等学历以上 3.本科托福550分,硕士托福550分 4.体格健康,成绩良好,品学兼优


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