澳际留学网Saint John&apos&aposs Preparatory School.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Saint John&apos&aposs Preparatory School.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Saint John&apos&aposs Preparatory School.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。
St. Andrew&apos&aposs School - RI,St. Andrew School is a small, coeducational boarding and day school serving Lower and Middle School day students in grades three through eight and Upper School boarding and day students in grades nine through twelve. We are committed to helping all s
St. Andrew&apos&aposs School, DE,St. Andrew&aposs mission is to enrich and transform our students&apos lives in profound and exciting ways. Through intensive collaboration with great teachers, our students begin their study and appreciation of the accumulated wisdom of human culture
美国著名私立高中之圣乔治中学 St. George&apos&aposs School, 院校性质:私立 院校类型:美国中学 成立年份:1896年 本科学费:$41000/年 所在地区:罗德岛州 综合排名:第1位 学校地址:372 Purgatory Road, Middletown, RI 02842 学校官网:http://www.stgeorges.edu.
美国著名私立高中之圣保罗中学 St. Paul&apos&aposs School, 院校性质:私立 院校类型:美国中学 成立年份:1856年 本科学费:$44400/年 所在地区:新罕布什尔州 综合排名:第1位 学校地址:325 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 学校官网:http://www.sps.edu/default.aspx.
St. Paul&apos&aposs School圣保罗中学,1856年,圣保罗中学(St. Paul&apos&apos&apos&aposs School)成立于新罕布什尔州,学校占地2,000英亩,是一所男女合校寄宿学校,提供9-12年级的课程。学校环境优美,山水如画。现有学生524名,分别来自38州和18个国家。由于有其宗教背景,学校在尊重传统的基础上,发展学生间的友谊互爱,
Bay School-海外留学,关键词:新西兰留学,海外留学,新西兰留学中介,新西兰留学网,新西兰留学申请条件.....
美国私立高中John Carroll Catholic High School,美国私立高中在美国高中中,更有机会上名校的,所以很多中国学生都会选择去美国私立高中留学。本文为大家分享一下美国私立高中John Carroll Catholic High School的信息,希望对大家有所帮助。
The King&apos&aposs Academy,The King&aposs Academy is a Christ-centered day and boarding school reaching local,national and international students of all socioeconomic backgrounds,educating and preparing them academically,emotionally,physically,socially,and spiritually forthe 21st
维拉诺瓦预备中学 Villanova Preparatory School,维拉诺瓦预备中学始建于1924年,位于南加州,占地127英亩,是一所天主教教会学校,男女合校的住宿中学。注重学术的专精及高超的品格,除了严谨地保留传统的中学课程之外,也注重加强学生德育、美育及体育方面的教导,培养学生健全的道德挂念。
Episcopal High School,Episcopal 是一所全寄宿学校,学生来自30 个州以及10 个同学国家。学校师资实力雄厚,采用小班教学模式(平均11 人/班)。学校为学生提供40 门AP 和进阶课程,现代技术的使用更好的提高了学生的学习效率。学校的优势在于大量的艺术课程、体育运动项目供学生选择;高年级
Ojai Valley School,学校创建于1911年,以其充满乐趣、丰富多彩的课程以及各式活动闻名。学校获得加州独立学校联合会认证。针对PK(幼儿园学前班)—12年级(相当于我国高中)的学生招生,学校要求3—12年级的学生寄宿。学校升学率100%。学校提供ESL课程。学生周末时可以到周边环境优美、迷
Woodside Priory School,Woodside Priory School位于距旧金山南35英里的Portola Valley市,学校占地面积60英亩,靠近斯坦福大学和硅谷。学校成立于1957年,是一所独立的天主教大学预科男女混合学校,具有本笃会(天主教隐修会之一)的传统,现共有三百五十多名初高中学生,兼有走读和寄宿生。
The Stony Brook School,Founded in 1922 with the motto "Character Before Career," The Stony Brook School educates students in matters of the mind, body, and heart. Students are trained to be leaders with integrity and virtue. We find that character is essential
Thomas Jefferson School,A coeducational boarding and day school, Thomas Jefferson School gives its students the strongest possible classical education within a close-knit, international community. A belief in greater student responsibility translates into a daily schedule o
The Bishop Strachan School,With over 140 years of experience helping young women become leaders, BSS is among the premier girls&apos schools in North America. The school focuses on technology-based curriculum and offers the widest selection of internationally recognized Advanced P
Linden Hill School,Linden Hill School was founded by George and Penny Hayes in 1961 to provide a nurturing family-like atmosphere in which the Orton-Gillingham phonics approach could be implemented for the remediation of boys with dyslexia.
Annie Wright School,As the oldest girls boarding school in the West, Annie Wright has a long history of educating young women in a challenging, yet supportive, environment.
The Ethel Walker School,The Ethel Walker School in Simsbury, Connecticut takes great pride in its long-standing reputation as one of the finest college preparatory schools
Indian Springs School,With 281 students, Indian Springs School is large enough to offer a diverse, award winning AP curriculum, and small enough to
Saint John&apos&aposs Preparatory School,Established in 1857, Saint John Prep is a Catholic/Benedictine co-educational boarding school for students in grades 9-12 and offers a post-graduate program. Emphasizing academic rigor and spiritual growth