澳际留学网Saint John&apos&aposs Preparatory School.频道,提供准确丰富专业的出国留学相关信息。海外优质的教育和相对合理的留学费用吸引了许多中国留学生前去海外留学。很多同学对Saint John&apos&aposs Preparatory School.有疑问,下面澳际小编整理了最新Saint John&apos&aposs Preparatory School.相关资讯文章欢迎大家阅读。
威斯敏斯特公学(Westminster School)-英国留学中介,(Westminster School)位置:伦敦(London)属性:男女混合年龄段:13-18岁入学考试:13+和16+考入牛剑学生数:约97名学生总数:约747名学费(每学期):约8092镑(走读);11686镑(寄宿)
Hawai&apos&aposi Preparatory Academy,Aloha! Founded in 1949, Hawai Preparatory Academy (HPA) is one of the premier independent, co-educational college-preparatory boarding and day schools in the Pacific Region offering a full range
怎么样才能申报新布伦瑞克大学?,学校拥有两所校园,共计学生12000位。面积稍大一些的老校园位于风景如画的弗雷德里克顿FREDERICTION,是该省的政治文化中心。面积小一些的新校园位于该省经济中心的圣约翰SAINT JOHN, 是该省最大的城市,也是经济最为发达的城市。 那么怎么样才能申报新
St.Margaret&apos&aposs School圣玛格丽特中学(女校),圣玛格丽特女校是一所传统的预科女校,招收8-12年级的女生。超过60%的教职员工拥有高级文凭。学校悉心提供的关怀和富有挑战的课程,帮助学生进入她们所向往的有竞争力的大学,让她们接受更高等的教育,以拥有满意的职业生涯。 教育学生学会生活,学会做人。学校为学生
Beach Intermediate School-海外留学,关键词:新西兰留学,海外留学,新西兰留学中介,新西兰留学网,新西兰留学申请条件.....
新布伦瑞克大学硕士申请难度大吗?,硕士申请条件:最低年龄:无明确要求学历要求:本科毕业,相关专业背景平均分:3.0以上语言成绩要求:IBT/IELTS: 80/7.0标准化考试成绩:商科提交GMAT,理文工建议提交GRE硕士优势专业圣约翰Saint John校区,工商管理硕士MBA双录取:项目管理方
Rangiora High School-海外留学
英国一般多大上大学呢?-英国留学网, college是过渡,之后是大学university.一般来讲,5岁-13岁是primary school.就像我们的小学。而secondary school就象初中,课程被叫做GCSE。如果完成了secondary school学生可以考虑就业或是接受更高教
St. Andrew&apos&aposs College,St. Andrew College is about life preparation. Whether you are a keen student, a strong athlete, a bagpiper or drummer, or actor or artist, our students embody the well-rounded boy who wants to become involved.
Avon Old Farms School,At Avon, academic excellence consists of thorough instruction in the basic disciplines, the development of sound study habits, and the opportunity to be challenged by increasingly complex subject matter.
Stoneleigh-Burnham School,Stoneleigh-Burnham School is a college preparatory boarding/day community for girls, Grades 7 12 and PG that offers a challenging academic program in which girls share their voice and intellect. SBS has an extensive college preparatory curriculum
Wolfeboro: The Summer Boarding School,Wolfeboro: The Summer Boarding School Introduction Since 1910, Wolfeboro has exclusively been a summer boarding school providing a highly structured supportive environment for girls and boys entering
圣约翰中学Saint John's Preparatory School成立于1857年,是一个天主教男女合校的寄宿学校,也是明尼苏达州历史最悠久的一所中学。
Northfield Mount Hermon School,An international leader among college preparatory boarding schools, Northfield Mount Hermon School offers a rigorous academic program, leadership opportunities, diversity of community, and the best of the traditional and innovative in education.
Stuart Hall School,Stuart Hall School, a member of (Episcopal) Church Schools in the Diocese of Virginia, educates the whole child -mind, body, heart, spirit - in a nurturing environment based on honor and respect. The school is coed grades Pre-K - 12 with girls only b
Oak Creek Ranch School,Oak Creek Ranch School (OCRS) is a fully accredited, co-ed boarding school with an enrollment of approximately 90 boys and girls, ages 12-19. (Grades 7-12).
Monte Vista Christian School,You can feel it on the grounds, in the hallways and the classrooms, the laboratories, the dorms, and the athletic fields. Something is different here. It crackles. It pulses. It unique to MVCS, and it no accident.
Saint John&apos&aposs Preparatory School,Established in 1857, Saint John Prep is a Catholic/Benedictine co-educational boarding school for students in grades 9-12 and offers a post-graduate program. Emphasizing academic rigor and spiritual growth