


2016/01/29 08:39:44 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:664 移动端
Central Institute of TAFE 新推出了一个课程Curtin Diploma of Commerce ,可以走SVP573签证,项目与Curtin College 的Diploma of Commerce 类似,但有两个优点:
1 学生可以在city centre 上课
2 学费较Curtin College 便宜
1 目前, Curtin 只能打包到2018 第一学期
2 课程只有2月开课
3 高三学生,雅思在5.0可以先搭配30周语言,再开始2017年2月的diploma课程,再进入2018年2月的Curtin degree 。

As advised on Monday, am providing formal advice about the new Curtin Diploma of Commerce available at Central Institute of TAFE (see below link):

This course can be packaged on an SVP 573 visa & is basically this product is the same as the Curtin College Diploma of Commerce but with 2 advantages as below:

  1. Students can do this course in the city centre (including any ELICOS which may be required to meet English requirements)
  2. Fees for the Curtin Diploma of Commerce at Central are $23,100(compared to the Curtin College option which costs $27,520).
However students interested in this course need to be aware of the following limitations:

  1. At the moment Curtin are packaging up until their Sem 1, 2018 intake only.
  2. There is only a February intake for this course at the moment
  3. Because the English requirement is set at 6.5, for Chinese students this means the timeframe for Curtin packages and visa processing will most likely limit us to recruiting 高三students who have an IELTS of at least 5.0. We’d then have the capacity to offer up to an additional 30 weeks maximum of English (from 13th June 2016 to 27th January 2017 – see for details) before commencing the 1-year Diploma from February 2017 and then continuing on to year 2 of the Curtin degree from semester 1, 2018.
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