


2016/01/27 11:01:58 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1939 移动端
  • You have been study **** for two years? And you are going to graduate in June? /You have worked as a *** for two years, haven’ you? 学习某专业多长时间了,将于什么时候毕业/在某领域或在某职位上工作多少年了?
  • How have you improved from the beginning of the course /your work till now? What changes? Tell me something about your course/your school/your work? 觉得自己从开始学习/工作至今,都有怎样的提高?有哪些方面的变化?简单聊一下你的课程,你的学校或你的工作。
  • Why you want to change to…(跨专业申请) 为什么要跨专业申请?
  • What did you do since you graduated from …?从毕业后,你都做了什么?
  • You are a professional with solid theoretical foundation/have worked as a manager for a long time already, why do you want to study this course now?你已经积累的一定的相关知识或已经工作这么就了,为什么还想学习我们这个专业?
  • 第二次面试的学生:上次面试后到现在做了些什么?如果第二次面试的专业/学院跟第一次面试的不同,为什么?
  • 为什么不先工作而直接选择读硕士?(部分专业明确要求要有工作经验,无工作经验要准备好如何应对)
  • 你有什么优势足够让你申请到……课程? 什么使你觉得自己good at……?
总结:面试问题会相当一部分是关于自己基本信息及背景的,基本就是围绕自己的学习及工作背景,规划,学习计划变更等提出一系列的what, why, and how。所以,自己要有清晰的目标,对自己的背景及做出的每一个决定要能给招生老师合理恰当的解释。这是有一定层次的面试问题。另外,还有可能问一些很基本的,如个人兴趣爱好,学习方面的爱好,一些稍微活跃的问题。
  • Select one piece of works which you like best? And why? 你对自己的作品最满意的是哪一部分?为什么?
  • Which is your recent work? And tell me about that. 你最近准备了什么作品?说一下你的作品吧
  • 谈谈最具challenging的一个作品,为什么?说一个对你来说最具挑战的作品?为什么?
  • Where did you get your inspiration from?/What is your starting point?  你设计作品的灵感来自哪里/你的出发点是什么?     
  • Where do you get the fabric/material? 你的材料是从哪里弄的?
  • How long did it take you to make it?  准备这个作品,你用了多长时间?
  • Did you make the real pieces or did you just make them on the computer? 你是做了实物作品还是只是在电脑上设计了?
  • Do you like to get the inspirations from difference places such as movie, theatres, cultures, going to museums, histories?   你喜欢从不同地方获得设计灵感吗?比如电影,剧院,文化,或博物馆,历史等
  • Please show me the most creative parts of your design. 请展示一下你作品里最有创意的部分。
  • Select one piece of works which you think to need to improve? 你觉得自己作品里,哪些地方需要提高?
  • What theory related your  … project?你的作品或项目涉及到了哪些专业理论?
  • In your portfolio/project, which part is the most difficult for you? And how do you deal with that?在你的作品中,对你来说哪部分是最难的?你是如何解决的?
  • What techniques and/or skills do you want learn/develop? 你想要学习什么新的技能?
  • 在将来的学习里你打算设计哪种shape?用哪种material?具体点谈。(针对3D类专业)
  • 你的作品的功能性如何体现?
  • 选一个project谈谈你是怎么tell story,体现narrative的?/选一个你觉得最story-telling的作品谈谈。/谈谈你的某个作品怎么与观众communicate?(平面交互类专业)
  • 细节问题:每一个元素的运用和成品材料的选择都要有原因。Why…?
  • So, in your previous job, you were responsible for marketing management. From your personal statement, I can see you were in charge of advertising and marketing campaign. What role did you play in your team? 在你之前的工作里,你负责市场管理。从你的个人陈述里,我看出你曾经负责广告和市场。在你的团队中,你扮演什么角色?
  • Any difficulties you encountered?How you solved them?你遇到过的让你记忆犹新的困难是什么,怎么解决的?
  • How to promote a new brand step by step? (How would you market the new brand?) 如何推广一个新品牌?
  • If people have their different ideas about that, how to work with that? 如果你的团队中,人们对同一件事持不同意见,你该怎么办?
  • Do you like to collaborate with other people? 你是如何跟他人合作的?
  • Have you researched our university? 你了解过我们学校吗?
  • Do you know what is the course talking about? 你知道你所申请的课程是关于什么的吗?
  • What is involved in (Fashion Management)?时尚管理都涉及到哪些东西?
  • What do you think is the most important for (Fashion Management)? 你认为时尚管理方面,最重要的是什么?
  • Why do you choose this area? 你为什么要选择这个领域?
关于学校所在地 调研 (London为例)
  • Can you tell me why you want to study in London?请告诉你为什么想要在伦敦学习?
  • Have you visited London?曾经到访过伦敦吗?
  • What kind of the difference do you think between London and your nation?  你认为伦敦和你的家乡有什么不同?
  • Which designer/artist/journalist/blogger…do you like best? Why?你最喜欢的一个设计师/艺术家/记者,为什么?
  • Do you know ****(People or Organization)?你所在领域的名人或比较有名的机构。
  • What happed in (fashion) industry in this two years?/ What is the biggest thing happening in (Fashion) area now? 时尚领域的最新动向/在该领域发生的最有影响的事件
  • Tell me something about your study plan? (research, context, methodology, equipment)(仅限硕士申请)讲一下你的学习计划(包括研究课题,环境,方法,设备等)
  • What’s your research question?What will you do?(仅限硕士申请)你的研究课题是什么?关于这个课题,你将做什么?
  • What do you think the course you are applying for is about?(仅限硕士申请)你认为你所申请的课程是关于什么的?
  • 你的学习计划很多人都已经研究过,你的研究有什么不一样的?(仅限硕士申请)
  • What do you want to be in the future? 你将来想要从事什么?
  • What is the dream job for you in the 10years later? 十年后,你的理想工作是什么?
  • How to survive yourself in the strong competitive environment? 你将如何在竞争激烈的环境里胜出?


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