

Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) 申请指导

刚刚更新 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1300 移动端

一. UKVI信息网址: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/academic-technology-approval-scheme
申请链接: https://www.academic-technology-approval.service.gov.uk/

二. 如何判断是否需要ATAS申请?
在收到学生Offer后,Offer上面会有提示:该课程需要申请ATAS证书,请尽快办理。另外,也可以通过Offer上面的JACS Code来判断。
例如:Course J2U3T-Adcanced Materials Science and Engineering(MSc 1YFT)
           JACS Code J510
1. 如果学生申请的为授课式课程(Taught Masters)以及本科课程(Undergraduate),Offer上的JACS Code以如下代码开头,则需要在签证前进行ATAS认证。
F2 – Materials Science
F3 – Physics (including Nuclear Physics)
H3 – Mechanical Engineering
H4 – Aerospace Engineering
H8 – Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering
J5 – Materials Technology not otherwise specified
2. 如果学生申请的为研究式课程(Masters by Research)以及博士课程(PhD Level),Offer上的JACS Code以如下代码开头,则需要在签证前进行ATAS认证。
(1) 医学相关(Subjects allied to Medicine)
B1 – Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology
B2 – Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy
B9 – Others in Subjects allied to Medicine
(2) 生物学相关(Biological Sciences)
C1 – Biology
C2 – Botany
C4 – Genetics
C5 – Microbiology
C7 – Molecular Biology, Biophysics and Biochemistry
C9 – Others in Biological Science
(3) 兽医、农业相关(Veterinary sciences, agriculture and related subjects)
D3 – Animal Science
D9 – Others in Veterinary Sciences, Agriculture and related subjects
(4) 物理学(Physical Sciences)
F1 – Chemistry
F2 – Materials Science
F3 – Physics
F5 – Astronomy
F8 – Physical Geographical Sciences
F9 – Others in Physical Sciences
(5)数学、计算机(Mathematical and Computer Sciences)
G0 – Mathematical and computer sciences
G1 – Mathematics
G2 – Operational Research
G4 – Computer Science
G7 – Artificial Intelligence
G9 – Others in Mathematical and Computing Sciences
(6) 工程(Engineering)
H1 – General Engineering
H2 – Civil Engineering
H3 – Mechanical Engineering
H4 – Aerospace Engineering
H5 – Naval Architecture
H6 – Electronic and Electrical Engineering
H7 – Production and Manufacturing Engineering
H8 – Chemical, Process and Energy Engineering
H9 – Others in Engineering
(7) 计算机科学(Computer Sciences)
I1 – Computer Science
I4 – Artificial Intelligence
I9 – Others in Computer Sciences
(8) 技术(Technologies)
J2 – Metallurgy
J4 – Polymers and Textiles
J5 – Materials Technology not otherwise specified
J7 – Industrial Biotechnology
J9 – Others in Technology

三. 申请以及处理时长:可以在课程开始前6个月申请,处理的时间至少20个工作日。
If you require an ATAS certificate you will need to apply for this before applying for your visa or extension of stay, allowing at least 20 working days in order to obtain it.

四. 申请所需材料
1. Your offer letter from your Higher Education Institution.
2. Information about your programme of study/research including the relevant JACS code.

五. 申请所需信息
1.full details of all previous studies
2.full details of all previous/current employment (if applicable)
3.full details of published papers (if applicable)
4.previous ATAS applications (if applicable)
5.optional modules you anticipate taking in a taught Masters
6.your area of research and a description (for research degrees).
7. full names and contact details of 2 referees
8. how you will be funding your studies

六. ATAS团队联系方式:atas@fco.gov.uk


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