


2015/12/28 13:54:41 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1409 移动端
学校名称 学生人数 VCE中间分 40分以上学生比例 招收国际学生 排名
Mac.Robertson Girls' High School 508 38 38.2% 1 1
Melbourne High School 688 37 35.3% 2 2
Nossal High School 428 36 27.1% 3 4
Balwyn High School 617 34 21.6% 4 7
John Monash Science School 405 35 21.5% 5 9
Charlton College 22 33 17.3% 6 35
Suzanne Cory High School 365 34 17.1% 7 14
Glen Waverley Secondary College 626 33 16.5% 8 6
Box Hill High School 343 33 16.3% 9 15
Birchip P-12 School 35 32 16%   10 92
Victorian College of the Arts 170 34 15.4% 11 5
Melbourne Girls' College 332 33 15.4% 12 13
Canterbury Girls Secondary College 304 33 15.2% 13 17
McKinnon Secondary College 462 33 15.1% 14 12
Wycheproof P-12 College 19 34 13.9% 15 42
Hopetoun P-12 College 17 32 13.8% 16 269
Corryong College 43 31 13.4% 17 25
Northcote High School 419 31 12.1% 18 29
East Doncaster Secondary College 358 32 12% 19 44
Frankston High School 456 31 11.6% 20 33
University High School 435 32 11.1% 21 10
Casterton Secondary College 29 30 10.5% 22 101
Kew High School 293 31 10% 23 23
Buckley Park College 170 31 9.4% 24 44
Albert Park College 85 32 9.1% 25 3
Ringwood Secondary College 346 31 9.1% 26 24
Keilor Downs College 201 29 9.1% 27 56
Warracknabeal Secondary College 31 29 9% 28 195
Mentone Girls' Secondary College 298 31 8.9% 29 40
Mount Waverley Secondary College 451 31 8.7% 30 18
Brighton Secondary College 286 30 8.7% 31 37
Viewbank College 286 31 8.6% 32 35
Blackburn High School 174 30 8.5% 33 38
Strathmore Secondary College 406 31 8.4% 34 31
Collingwood College 54 26 8.4% 35 231
Vermont Secondary College 308 31 7.9% 36 32
Williamstown High School 370 30 7.8% 37 82
Princes Hill Secondary College 171 31 7.7% 38 16
Braybrook College 213 31 7.5% 39 28
Warragul Regional College 156 29 7.5% 40 134
Surf Coast Secondary College 68 26 7.5% 41 242
Brentwood Secondary College 375 31 7.4% 42 27
Koonung Secondary College 303 31 7.2% 43 34
Camberwell High School 318 30 7.2% 44 22
Manangatang P-12 College 14 32 7.1% 45 123
Brunswick Secondary College 164 31 7.1% 46 19
Glen Eira College 79 28 6.8% 47 67
Tallangatta Secondary College 83 28 6.6% 48 137
Apollo Bay P-12 College 18 29 6.4% 49 51
Doncaster Secondary College 347 29 6.4% 49 44
St Albans Secondary College 184 30 6.3% 51 71
Mount Beauty Secondary College 46 29 6.2% 52 99
Patterson River Secondary College 212 29 6.1% 53 68
Fitzroy High School 78 30 6% 54 39
Cheltenham Secondary College 248 29 5.9% 55 121
Highvale Secondary College 180 29 5.9% 55 95
Orbost Secondary College 70 28 5.8% 57 93
Werribee Secondary College 286 30 5.7% 58 42
Elwood College 116 28 5.7% 59 83
Montmorency Secondary College 119 30 5.6% 60 86
Wellington Secondary College 346 28 5.6% 61 75
Mount Eliza Secondary College 194 28 5.5% 62 61
Tyrrell College 15 27 5.5% 63 204
Federation Training 63 22 5.5% 64  
Bentleigh Secondary College 224 30 5.4% 65 97
Elisabeth Murdoch College 276 29 5.3% 66 59
Diamond Valley College 154 28 5.3% 67 128
Camperdown College 27 31 5.2% 68 220
Dromana Secondary College 255 30 5.2% 69 50
Ashwood Secondary College 65 29 5.2% 70 77
South Gippsland Secondary College 62 29 5.2% 70 77
Mullauna College 98 28 5.2% 72 54
Warrnambool College 238 27 5.2% 73 63
Norwood Secondary College 219 28 5.1% 74 66
Parkdale Secondary College 325 28 5.1% 74 119
Mortlake College 34 30 5% 76 72
St Helena Secondary College 411 30 5% 76 52
Westall Secondary College 92 26 5% 78 105
Gladstone Park Secondary College 324 29 4.8% 79 106
Lalor Secondary College 221 29 4.7% 80 166
Stawell Secondary College 72 28 4.7% 81 243
Boort District P-12 School 29 31 4.6% 82 126
Eltham High School 310 28 4.6% 83 47
Gleneagles Secondary College 204 29 4.4% 84 94
Rosebud Secondary College 248 29 4.4% 84 74
Pascoe Vale Girls Secondary College 278 28 4.4% 86 108
Sunbury Downs Secondary College 89 30 4.3% 87 52
Alexandra Secondary College 71 27 4.3% 88 164
Wantirna College 253 30 4.2% 89 114
Gisborne Secondary College 244 28 4.2% 90 138
Monbulk College 91 27 4.2% 91 189
Lakeview Senior College 492 29 4.1% 92 141
Mirboo North Secondary College 80 28 4.1% 93 144
Trafalgar High School 129 27 4% 94 128
Rosehill Secondary College 182 30 3.9% 95 58
Mildura Senior College 604 28 3.9% 96 164
Sandringham College 383 28 3.9% 96 192
Wanganui Park Secondary College 250 28 3.9% 96 69
Yarram Secondary College 48 27 3.8% 99 199
Horsham College 177 29 3.7% 100 79
Koo Wee Rup Secondary College 223 29 3.7% 100 26
1 哪些学校要求非常高,且有额外笔试?
答:Balwyn High School,Glen Waverley Secondary College,McKinnon Secondary College,Northcote High School 这4所学校是公立中学中要求最高的学校,国内近两年成绩单各科均分至少90以上(百分制),且理科成绩要突出。此外 Balwyn High School 和 Northcote High School 还会在中国北上广城市举行笔试,学生需通过笔试才能获得正式录取。Glen Waverley Secondary College 和 McKinnon Secondary College 则会安排远程电话面试来进一步评估学生。
2 哪些学校的位置满的最快?
答:Camberwell High School,Princes Hill Secondary College,Box Hill High School,Canterbury Girls' Secondary College 等学校因为优异的表现和不错的地理位置(好区或靠近市中心)非常抢手。这些学校总是最先满位,一般开放申请后3个月内就没有位置了。
3 需要提前多久递交申请才能抢得先机?
4 递交申请需要提供哪些材料?
提示:本周三,12-30日会有博文中学Balwyn High School来面试学生。


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