


2015/12/28 13:13:31 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1248 移动端

Master of Finance (MF)
Rotman School of Management

- 课程介绍:
- Courses offered evenings and weekends 只有晚上和周末有课
- 每年9月入学
- 5个学期学时(20-months)
- 学费共计$106,450加币
- 录取要求:
         - GMAT(The average score was 650)/ CFA 3 / GRE
         - A minimum GPA of 3.0 or a mid-B average in the final year of a bachelor’s degree(加拿大本科毕业)
         - Mid-B Equivalent: 80-82%(中国)
         - Two years of work experience in finance or a finance-related field is required (两年工作经验要求)
         - 2 work references, submitted as part of the online application
         - 2 written essays & 2 video essays, submitted as part of the online application
         - All candidates who are admitted to the program will be interviewed. Interviews are by invitation only(受邀请才能面试)
         - 托福100 其中口语和写作不低于22
         - 雅思7小分没有要求



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