


2015/03/02 11:10:21 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:943 移动端

  澳洲注册会计师协会(Certified Public Accountant Australia, 简称CPA Australia或CPAA)


  ◇国际会计师联合会成员 (International Federation of Accountants, IFAC)

  ◇全球15万会员,遍布121 个国家

  ◇成立于1886年,总部设在墨尔本 ,全球设立19个办公室



1. 澳洲会计师公会在中国

  √ 4个办事机构:北京、上海、广州、香港

  √ 15,000余名会员

  √ 40余中国高校的65个学位课程获得公会的认证

  √ 20万名在校生加入公会学生网络成员。

  √ 2004年,与中国注册会计师协会签署合作备忘录,2007-2010年协助中注协培养会计行业“领军人才“。

2. 在中国,这里、那里都有CPA的会员,回国就业不再愁



3. 为什么要选择去澳洲学习会计财务专业


  ① 会计是国际通用的商业语言 ”Business Language”

  ② 无论经济形势的好与坏,各行各业各类企业机构都离不开会计人才

  ③ 卓越领导人才必须具备财会知识,CFO CEO

  ④ 在中国“走出去”战略的大背景下,拥有国际资格的高端会计财务人才倍受企业青睐、前景不可估量

  ⑤ 2014年11月,公会CEO在京接受中国媒体采访“中澳自贸协定将为会计服务带来新机遇”


  ① 澳洲的会计教育历史悠久,教学科研水平领先,在国际上享有盛誉

  ② 如考虑未来移民澳洲,会计师这一职业在澳洲属于精英阶层,拥有很高的社会地位,收入稳定


4. 澳洲注册会计师课程专业阶段



5. 竞争力的提升



6. 澳洲八大目前的受CPA认证的课程

  阿德莱德大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

  Bachelor of Commerce ( and combined degrees)

  Bachelor of Commerce( and combined degrees)

  Bachelor of Economics( and combined degrees)

  Bachelor of Finance( and combined degrees)

  Master of Accounting and Finance

  Master of Accounting and Marketing

  Master of Professional Accounting

  澳洲国立大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

  Bachelor of Accounting (including combined degrees except Law)

  Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Business Administration

  Bachelor of Commerce (and combined degrees)

  Bachelor of Economics (and combined degrees)

  Bachelor of Finance (and combined degrees)

  Master of Accounting

  Master of Professional Accounting

  悉尼大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Commerce and combined degrees (except Law)

  Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Economics and combined degrees (except Law)

  Master of Commerce

  Master of Professional Accounting

  新南威尔士大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Commerce or Economics or Actuarial Studies and dual degrees(except Law)

  Bachelor of Taxation

  Master of Professional Accounting(13 units) or Master of Professional Accounting(EXT)(17 units)

  墨尔本大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

  Bachelor of Commerce ( and combined degrees)

  Master of Management(accounting)

  昆士兰大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

  Bachelor of Commerce

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

  Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting

  Master of Commerce

  Master of Commerce (Advanced)

  莫纳什大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

  Bachelor of Accounting(including combined degrees except Law)

  Bachelor of Business(including combined degrees except Law)

  Bachelor of Business Administration

  Bachelor of Business and Commerce

  Bachelor of Business and Commerce

  Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)

  Bachelor of Commerce(including combined degrees except Law)

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

  Bachelor of Economics(including combined degrees except Law)

  Graduate diploma in Accounting

  Master of Professional Accounting (advanced)

  Master of Professional Accounting (including combined degrees)

  西澳大学目前被CPA Australia 认证的课程有:

  Bachelor of Commerce

  Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

  Master of Professional Accounting

  Master of Professional Accounting(advanced)

  以上信息希望能更多的帮助大家了解CPA, 认知CPA, 当然,学生在选择专业的时候一定要清楚自己的实际情况,根据自己的具体目标制定留学和择校择科方案,除澳洲八大以外,最出名的会计专业还有麦考瑞大学,下期会针对麦考瑞会计专业进行详解,敬请留意!


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