

Monash大学重要课程更新——MPA & MBF

2015/11/23 13:58:29 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:601 移动端


  1, Master of Professional Accounting

  We have officially confirmed the information that students with accounting background can apply for Master of Professional Accounting and the faculty will

  assessed each application and send out the offer accordingly.

  即日起Master of Professional Accounting 课程可接受本科背景为会计的学生申请,学院将对每一份申请进行审核评估,并根据评估结果发放录取通知书。

  2, Master of Banking and Finance

  The program now is open to students with any background and met the entry requirements.

  Master of Banking and Finance 课程现在可接受任何背景的学生申请,只要学生满足入学要求。

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