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Linguistic Limbo

2015/10/30 15:20:41 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:357 移动端

  The difficulting of learning one particular language in comparison with another is a topic of heated debate amongst both students and teachers alike.

  — — Is English really that difficult?

  — —How hard is Chinese?

  — —What is the most difficult language in the world?

   The annoyingly vague answer to these questions is that there is no true answer. There are a mind-boggling number of factors that affect the level of difficulty and amount of work required to learn a language.


  One of the most popular bars of measurement for the difficulty of a foreign language is to use the teaching hours required by the US. Defense Institute to be received before a student is deemed “proficient” in that language. Only four languages fall into the “most difficult” category: Chinese,Arabic,Korean and Japanese . These languages all require the maximum possible course time at the Defense Institute, 120 hours to reach proficiency in the chosen language. The problem with using this as a measurement I,of course,that it only applies to native English-speakers. How difficult is Chinese for,say,a native Japanese-speaker?

  Another reason it is difficult to spelling the difficulty of learning a language is that many languages that are very difficult in one way might be quite easy in another . Take again, Chinese for example, while learning to write Chinese is arguably more difficult than learning to write English, speaking is generally perceived as being easier, due to a simpler grammar and relatively low reservoir of syllables.

  One could go on for ages about the difficulty of learning any particular language, but it is clear that as any linguist would agree, there will never be a true winner.



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