


2015/09/01 15:47:18 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:586 移动端






  澳洲传媒相关专业:media/communication/ Journalism


  Master of Crosscultural Communication

  Master of Publishing Master of Film Studies

  Master of Digital Communication and Culture

  Master of Health Communication


  Master of Media Practice:此专业本科任何背景均可申请,学制及雅思要求同上。


  Master of journalism and communication 1年制 雅思要求6.5(6),3/7开学,本科任何背景均可申请

  Master of public relations and advertising 同上


  Master of Journalism 1.5年 6.5(6),23000澳币


  Journalism graduates will find career opportunities in a wide range of print and broadcast media organisations in Australia and overseas. New career opportunities exist for journalists in the growing area of online communications. Past graduates are employed in metropolitan, national and regional newspapers, commercial radio and television stations, web and multimedia publications, as well as in allied fields of publishing, marketing, communications and public relations. Some choose to be self-employed and work as freelance journalists and photojournalists.

  While this degree may be accredited by an official industry accreditation body in Australia, completion of the degree may not result in graduates receiving automatic accreditation. Please contact the relevant registration body for details of any conditions for accreditation.


  Master of Global Media Communication 2年 27104澳币6.5(6)3.7开学

  职业方向:This program prepares graduates for careers in print, broadcasting and online journalism, public relations, media writing and editing, media consultancy, corporate and government communications, public advocacy, media and cultural policy, cultural industries, and media research.

  Master of Journalism 2年 27360澳币 3.7开学 7(W7其它6)

  This program will enable students to develop the professional skills necessary to work as a practitioner of journalism across all media, including print, radio, television, online, mobile and social media, and in the media relations and corporate communication sectors. Students will gain advanced skills in researching, writing and producing stories.

  Experienced journalists will gain valuable insights into the changes currently taking place in the profession, to advance their skills, and to specialise in a range of areas of growing interest to news consumers.

  Master of Publishing and Communications 2年 27104 3.7开学 7(W7其它6)

  Graduates of the Publishing and Communications program work in many different roles. These include book editors, book marketing, magazine writers and editors, technical writers, editors and communication managers for software companies and manufacturers of high-technology goods, production controllers and managers, web content creators, publication managers in government and corporate settings and policy officers with communications responsibilities. Our graduates are employed by Intrepid Travel, Lonely Planet, The Monthly, Hardie Grant Publishing and Indigo Books and Music.

  Master of Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing 2年 27140 创意写作出版编辑 7(W7其它6)


  The course is unique in bringing together writing, publishing and editing and demonstrating the links and shared skills. Graduates work in publishing, editing, print production, digital media, magazine publication, fiction and non-fiction writing, book publishing, and journal publication.


  Master of Communications and Media Studies 1.5年 26500 3.7开学

  Master of Journalism 1.5年 26500 3.7开学

  Master of Journalism and Master of Business 2年 34000 3.7开学

  Master of Journalism and Master of European and International Studies 2年 26500 3.7开学

  Master of Journalism and Master of International Relations 2年 26500 3.7开学

  Master of Journalism and Master of Sustainability 2年 26500 3.7开学

  Master of Publishing and Editing 1.5年 26500 3.7 开学


  Master of International Journalism 1年 6.5(6) 2.7开学

  职业方向:Journalist.Media Presenter.Media Producer.Public Relations Professional


  Master of Arts (Creative Writing) 25500 1.5年 7(RL6.5SW7) 211-75 非211-80

  职业方向:Writing in various genres, teaching, editing, publishing, journalism. Students gain workable knowledge in professional aspects of a writer's career: editing, applying for grants and working to achieve publication.


  Master of international communication 1年 2.7开学 GPA2.5 27136澳币6.5(6)

  Master of International Communication with the degree of Master of International Relations

  1.5年,2.7开学 6.5(6)

  Master of International Business with the degree of Master of International Communication

  2年,2.7开学 30752澳币


  Master of Convergent Media 1年 2/7月开学 6.5(6)

  本科任何背景均可申请 ,UWS是澳唯一一所有自己电视台的大学,50%的节目都是学生做的


  Master of arts(communication management/journalism) 1.5年, 2.7开学 6.5(W6)


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