

A little idea of learning English

2015/08/28 16:06:19 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:697 移动端

Obviously, many people in china would say that we are lack of English speaking environment, but this is only one of the reasons. Another reason is that the way you speak and the words you choosing in your articles appear to be at odd with the English native speakers, especially those who are unfamiliar with reading so-called Chinese English.

For example, if you use an English-Chinese dictionary to look up a word and you take this Chinese meaning word to form an English sentence, in most cases it will be wrong or inappropriate. What you should do to avoid this mistake is to look up English to English dictionary for its meaning and example sentences or search it on the internet. Always avoid to use a word if you not sure what is the meaning in English.

Learning English is not just learning a language, it is also to be considered as learning English culture. This is why we have to try hard to think in English when it is needed, try to do like an English people. Of course we can not change our Chinese brains into English brains, at least we can imitate them, and this will be enough for us.

Repreatedly listen the same English article, and then copy the way they speak, pay attention to the words that used in the particular sentences. Always try to use English to English dictionary first, look up more example sentences to help you to choose words in you article. Don't use Chinese meaning to translate into English unless you had seen them before. I hope these will answer your question.


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