


2015/08/17 18:21:49 澳际教育 编辑: 浏览次数:1375 移动端
摄影Photography 本科

1 Art Center College of Design (ACCD)                                  Pasadena, CA
专业:Photography and Imaging
Submit a minimum of 25 black-and-white, color or digital images. Any combination of these is acceptable, but submitting only black-and-white work is discouraged. Include related contact sheets when applicable.
The works should reflect a connection between idea and technique and display the applicant’s strengths in implementing an original vision.
A variety of subjects and concept exploration are encouraged, but should include shots of people as subject matter. The work should show an ability to create original imagery.
TOEFL/IELTS: 80+/6.5+
California College of the Arts 加州艺术学院
专业:Photography (BFA)
A digital portfolio made using Slideroom is required. First-year applicants are encouraged to submit 10-20 images, while transfer and second-degree applicants are encouraged to submit 15-20 images.
California Institute of the Arts (CALARTS)
专业:Program in Photography and Media (BFA)
Submit examples of personally directed work, not class assignments. We want to know what your interests are and how you represent them in your practice. Photographic works can be originally shot in any format (analog, digital, etc.).
TOEFL/IELTS: 80+/6.5+
College of Art and Design at Lesley University
专业:BFA in Photography
·         Final Digital Portfolio:All applicants who wish to be considered for our undergraduate (Bachelor of Fine Arts) or Advanced Professional Certificate programs are required to submit a digital portfolio through SlideRoom. First-Year and Transfer applicants must create their Common Application account before submitting the portfolio through SlideRoom. Students who have been notified that their preliminary portfolio reviews have been accepted are not required to submit a final digital portfolio via SlideRoom. However, if you wish to be considered for merit scholarships, we encourage you to submit your work for further review. To receive a final university admissions decision, you must submit your Common Application and supporting credentials. For more information about the portfolio requirements, please visit our portfolio guide page.
·         Preliminary Portfolio Review:Prospective students are strongly encouraged to have a preliminary portfolio review with one of our Admissions Counselors or faculty. This allows you to receive valuable feedback on your work. If you are unable to schedule an in person portfolio review, you may choose to submit your work through our Preliminary Portfolio Review program on SlideRoom. Preliminary reviews are also conducted at many of our on-campus events as well as National Portfolio Days. To see if a Lesley rep will be traveling in your area, please check out our travel schedule.
TOEFL/IELTS: 80+/6.5+
Columbia College Chicago
专业:Photography, BA
A Portfolio/Audition of Your Best Creative Work (optional)
Columbia College Chicago welcomes portfiolio and video audition submissions. Portfolios will be considered with other required admission application materials in identifiying those applicants eligible for some of the College's merit scholarship programs. The vast majority of Columbia’s scholarship programs for incoming students do not require the submission of creative work. Only those applicants seeking admission to our Illustration, Interior Architecture and Theatre Directing Bachelor of Fine Arts programs are required to submit a portfolio.
How to Submit a Portfolio
After you submit the Admission Application, you may choose to submit your portfolio or video audition.
Each academic department at Columbia has specific recommendations for the submission of creative work. We are interested in seeing your best overall creative work. This means you can choose to submit creative work related to a department or program different from the one you intend to study at Columbia. If you are applying to the Illustration, Interior Architecture or Theatre Directing BFA program, however, you must submit creative work in that same area.
TOEFL/IELTS: 80+/6.5+
Columbus College of Art and Design (CCAD)                           Columbus, OH
CCAD would love to look at your “Evidence of Creativity.”Of course, “Evidence of Creativity” is not required to be considered for undergraduate admission, but we'd love to look at any examples of things you’ve done that may demonstrate success in a creative career. Anything you submit enhances your application and might get you a scholarship too! Check out our Evidence of Creativity page for more information.
Evidence of Creativity could be lots of things you normally think of when you think of artists and designers, but it can also include things you don’t think of! Maybe you have photos and videos you’ve taken with your smart phone, or some drawings and paintings you’ve done? But did you know we also like to know about the cool science project you’ve worked on, maybe a car you’ve rebuilt, the blog you manage, or even some examples of short stories and poetry you’ve written? We do!

 In fact, we like to see anything that shows how you think or how you like to solve problems – that’s what artists and designers do! You can submit any type of work, regardless of what major you’re interested in pursuing, as long as it demonstrates some alignment between your interests and our majors at CCAD and, specifically, your potential for success as a student here. So, think about what you want to show us, and make it look good..
Evidence of Creativity Guidelines:
When you’re thinking about what to include, ask yourself:
§  What am I most passionate about?
§  What is my best work?
§  What defines me as a creative individual?
CCAD has no specific requirement for the number of pieces you include. Just show us your best and keep the quality consistent. Less can definitely be more.
For digital or time-based media: Got technology? Know how to use it? Get busy! Show us your skills and aesthetic awareness with the smart and creative use of digital tools. Don’t forget to pay attention to composition, storytelling and the technical presentation – it should provoke a solid thumbs up!

 For fiction or non-fiction writing: Got a story? Got a way with words? Let ‘em flow! We like both fiction or non-fiction writing samples, such as research papers, short stories, dramatic writing, poetry or other forms of creative writing. Don’t forget to pay attention to citation, grammar, etc. – give us your best!

 For traditional visual arts or design: Of course, we also like traditional two-dimensional work like drawings, paintings, prints, collage and photography; or three-dimensional work like sculpture, jewelry, fibers, fashion, or even furniture. Don’t forget that we want your own original work – that means don’t simply copy someone else’s work!

 For the non-traditional makers: We want to see how you learn, create and problem-solve. Many different projects would fit for non-traditional makers; like the FIRST Robotics project you worked on, the car you’ve rebuilt or the iPhone wallet holder you created. You may upload up images or a video about your project.

 Regardless of what you submit, we value originality of concept, use of appropriate materials and your ideas! So gather your “Evidence of Creativity” and get ready to submit it using CCAD’s SlideRoom application portal – you can find it through our online application.
TOEFL/IELTS: 61+/6.0+
New York University
专业:Photography & Imaging
PORTFOLIO:  Submit 15 -20 images via SlideRoom.com
10 images should be on a single theme.
Title or caption each of your images. Include a brief description with the medium/format (analog, digital, etc.) and indicate which 10 images are within the single theme. You will be asked to explain your chosen series in your written statement.

Sequence your work to effectively communicate your ideas. Your portfolio should be a cohesive body of work that reveals your passion, effort, and most importantly your point of view. We look for diversity in student thinking, experience, and media presentation. Effective development of meaningful content is of particular importance. The portfolio assignment requests images on a single theme, but this should not limit you to submitting work from a single photo shoot or a single roll of film. Take time to review our suggestions for generating portfolio content and consider the myriad ways you can approach your selected theme.

We accept submission of new and interactive media based work, sound and video art. You may include up to 5 non-photo based images (fine art, drawing, etc.), but if you choose to do so, you must submit a total of 20 images.  

Tips For Developing a Portfolio (for New York University)
·         Avoid compiling a disjointed group of images that are intended to be considered individually. A large variety of photographs that show a sampling of every genre and technique often appear incoherent or lacking in vision.
·         When selecting the content for your portfolio, include images that expand on the same theme (or a series of themes and ideas) rather than images that are thematically unrelated.
·         Sequence your work so that the images flow and relate to one another in a thematic and visual way
·         Consider what the work tells the viewer about you. The Department of Photography & Imaging does not have access to your common application and will never get to read your personal essay. How you can convey this information visually? Your portfolio is an opportunity to share your opinions, passion for ideas, and personal vision of the world with your viewer.
Suggestions for Generating Portfolio Content
·         Create from your passion and embrace the fact that personal passion is subjective. You may find inspiration exploring something you absolutely love or you may feel driven to create work in response to something you find unjust, unpleasant or reprehensible. Any theme can be worthy of exploration. Show us what evokes your excitement to create images.
·         For inspiration, see photography/art exhibitions, and movies. Read literature, poetry. In short, seek out media that excites your creativity. Try to understand what makes this work engaging and coherent.
·         Keep a journal of ideas for image-making
·         Ask yourself what elements to add to the images so that other possibilities can be explored and developed, expanding the boundaries of your idea.
·         Ask others for critical feedback
·         Accept critical feedback
We do not have any minimum test score requirements, but our most competitive applicants score above 100 on the TOEFL iBT and 7.5 or above on the IELTS.
Otis College of Art and Design 奥蒂斯艺术设计学院

TOEFL/IELTS: 79+/6.5+
Parsons The New School for Design
专业:Photography (BFA)
The portfolio must be completed in Slideroom only. Freshman applicants should submit a portfolio of 8 to 12 pieces. Portfolios can include drawings, paintings, photographs, digital media, design,three-dimensional work, web design, animation, video, and other digital media. Transfer applicants should submit a portfolio of 8 to 12 pieces in the area of interest.
TOEFL/IELTS: 92+/7.0+
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
专业:Photography (BFA)
 Your portfolio should show a selection of 12–20 examples of your best, recent artwork. We suggest that the work reflect your ideas, interests, experience and abilities in the arts to date. Work presented can be in any media (including film or video), in finished or sketch form and the result of an assigned project or a self-directed exploration. We strongly recommend you to include 2–3 pages from your journal or sketchbook to indicate your process of research, thinking and investigation.
Portfolios must be submitted through SlideRoom, an online portfolio service (which requires an additional $10 fee).
TOEFL/IELTS: 93+/6.5+
School of Visual Arts (SVA/New York City)
Photography applicants should submit 15 to 20 photographic images. These can be submitted in actual print form only when attending on-campus portfolio reviews. Applicants not attending an on-campus portfolio review must submit a portfolio in digital format (CD-R) or uploaded to SlideRoom.
Composition, light, form, and spatial relations. These are concerns often addressed in drawing, painting, and three-dimensional work. Surprisingly, these are not always considered in the work submitted by photography applicants. Content and story are of prime importance in a portfolio review. But composition, light, form, and spatial relations provide the objective terms with which photographers can tell subjective stories. Aspiring photographers should be careful to consider these issues when creating their images.
It is recommended that applicants have experience self-developing and self-printing black and white work. However, digital images are also appropriate and encouraged parts of a portfolio. When submitting digital work, especially electronically manipulated work, be careful that the work is not demonstrating what a computer program can do but what a visual artist can do with a computer program.
Work that explores a specific theme or series of themes or ideas is also recommended. Work that appears to represent a single photo shoot or a single roll of film often offers a limited view of an applicant’s creative potential.
TOEFL/IELTS: 79+/6.5+
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