您所在的位置: 首页> 博文列表> 已截止申请的院校信息
University of CambridgeMphil Finance2015.3.1
University of Oxfordfor courses in Computer Science, Medical Sciences, Philosophy and Politics and International Relations已经截止
All other courses已经截止
University of College LondonArchives and Records Management已经截止
Imperial College of Science and Technology MS Investment and Wealth Management3 March 2015, Round 1
MS Finance30 April 2015, Round 2
University of ManchesterHuman Resource Development (International Development) MSc已经截止
Human Resource Management (International Development) MSc已经截止
MSc Accounting and Finance暂不评审
MSc Development Finance已经截止
MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management Application已经截止
MSc Marketing暂不评审
School of Computer Science2015.2.6
MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management暂不评审
University of BristolMSc Economics已经截止
MSc Economics and Econometrics已经截止
MSc Economics and Public Policy已经截止
MSc Economics and Finance已经截止
MSc Finance and Investment已经截止
MSc Accounting, Finance and Management已经截止
MSc Economics, Accounting and Finance已经截止
MSc Economics, Finance and Management已经截止
MSc Management已经截止
the University of EdinburghHuman Resource Management已经截止
MSc International Human Resource Management已经截止
MSc Accounting and Finance已经截止
Durham UniversityManagement (Finance) MSc 已经截止
University of BathMA Interpreting & Translating - Chinese stream已经截止
Newcastle UniversityTranslating and Interpreting MA2015.2.15
University of LeedsInterpreting and Translation programmes with the Chinese language2015.3.31
Chemical Engineering
Chemical and Nuclear Engineering
Chemical and Materials Engineering
Chemical and Energy Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Food Process Engineering已经截止
University of GlasgowMsc in Finance and Management已经截止
Msc Management已经截止
Msc Management with Enterprise and Business Growth已经截止
Msc Management with Human Resources已经截止
Msc Management with International Finance已经截止
University of YorkMSc in Economics and Finance13 March 2015, Round 1
MSc in Finance
MSc in Finance and Econometrics
MSc in Project Analysis, Finance and Investment
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages29 May 2015, Round 2
MA Education13 March 2015, Round 2
MSc Development, Disorders and Clinical Practice13 March 2015, Round 2
MSc in Accounting and Financial Management
1 May 2015, Round 2
MSc Global Marketing
MA in Human Resource Management
MSc in International Business and Strategic Management
MA in Management
MSc in Management with Business Finance
University of the Arts LondonBA Fashion 包括男装、女装、针织、印染、服装设计与市场、时尚传播与推广、时尚新闻、时尚历史与理论8个专业
BA 珠宝设计已经截止
Royal College of ArtMA 所有专业已经截止
李雪妮 经验: 17年 案例:6645 擅长:综合