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The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
所在学院:College of Arts & Sciences
开设学位:Masters of Science in Economics
PhD. in Economics
Masters of Science in Economics:
The University offers both a Masters of Science and a PhD in Economics, but the Economics Department does not offer separate Masters and PhD level classes. Thus, our Masters students must have the backgrounds to do PhD level course work. Many of the students in our Masters program were previously admitted to a Ph.D. or professional program at UNC. For example, students in the Finance Ph.D. program at UNC often enter our Masters program and earn a Masters of Science in Economics along with a PhD in Finance. We admit Masters students who are not in other UNC programs, but, as mentioned, the students must have very strong backgrounds in economics and mathematics.
PhD. in Economics:
Admission Criteria :
l Last year, the average Verbal and Quantitative GRE scores were 157 and 164 respectively. In general, the Quantitative GRE score must be 156 or above in order for an application to be competitive
l The Graduate School recommends that you apply by December 17, 2014 to be assured of review for all University and departmental funding but the department will be able to review all applications received by January 8, 2015 for such funding. Applications received later in January or in early February will be reviewed for departmental funding; applications received later will be reviewed for admission but not necessarily for funding. The Economics Department's deadline for all applications in May 12, 2015.
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校经济系(Department of Economics)研究生招收MS与PhD学生,要求有GRE成绩,但无最低分数要求。该系所有12月17日前申请的学生均会自动予以奖学金考虑,第一年主要以RA和帮助系里处理一些杂事为主,第一年一般不用去课堂教学,第二年起开始以TA为主。
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校经济学理科硕士就业方向: 本专业的学生在完成硕士课程后必须继续攻读经济学或者相关专业的博士学位课程,在博士毕业后,可以直接就业,可以从事企业管理工作或者企业管理咨询工作,或者到政府经济相关部门工作;也可以从事经济学的研究工作或者经济学的教学工作。
学 费:24710美元/学年
Amy GUO 经验: 17年 案例:4539 擅长:美国,澳洲,亚洲,欧洲